Dear Council Members: As you know the issue is coming before you again Monday night. You can save all the residents money by reversing your decision. We got over 1,200 signatures in less than three weeks and one week being Easter week. We did not submit all signatures that were received by us do to the timing.
We did get enough signatures to put an initiative on the ballot and if we have too will do just that and It will state: SHALL THE CITY OF SONOMA COUNCIL MEMBERS HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BAN ANY POWER TOOLS?
We have done it once and we can do it again and will, so lets put an end to this by voting to reverse the ban and move on to more important issues. Save our City money and stop foolish spending (special election that may cost $35 k to 45k.)
If you continue to do this we will remember this when the one half % sale tax comes up on the ballot and will work to vote this issue down
Thanking you for your time and consideration.
Jerry Marino
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