It is Relay time of year again. I will again be participating in The Relay for Life event to raise money to find a cure for cancer. The event will be held at The Presentation School on August 27-28, from 1 p.m. to 10 a.m.
I will walk in the Relay for Life celebrating my 22nd year as a breast cancer survivor. This year I was diagnosed with Melanoma a second type or form of cancer. This said, not a year goes by that I do not support a family member or friend who has been diagnosed with this relentless disease. Although progress has been made in the search for a cure, each diagnosis made is one too many. I am sure you will agree that this fight is worth fighting for.
Please join me and be a part of this remarkable event. If you are a survivor, or know one, please join me in the survivor’s lap at 6 pm. Saturday evening.
This will be a fun-filled, entertaining, and inspirational event. There will be laughter and tears. Most importantly we will walk with the comfort of knowing we are not alone in this fight for a cure. Find how to get involved at Relayforlife. org. Felice Torri Sonoma.
Felice Torri, Sonoma
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