Editor: Recently, a member of CALM, the group seeking to retain the city ordinance banning gas-powered leaf blowers, submitted a letter to the editor detailing the multiple health hazards to landscape workers of using leaf blowers, especially the combustion engine versions. This is all scientifically validated information and raises a sound argument against their widespread use. I am amused to see landscape company owners stepping in to defend their use as some kind of benefit to their hourly workers, who in this region are mostly Latinos, like the farm workers Cesar Chavez represented.
This questionable defense fails on another important key point, which is the labor angle. The use of rake and broom for cleanup is not a penalty on hourly workers. It’s a benefit. It is more labor-intensive, hence more hours for the workers. The time differential would, admittedly, not be substantial, but the public quality of life benefits would be unquestionable. I doubt that many of these low-wage workers are demanding fewer hours!
Finally, I have to comment on the absurd letter by George Thompson, a landscape company owner, who ridiculed Georgia Kelly’s letter on the health hazards of gas-powered leaf blowers. He stated “There is a time and place for electric leaf blowers in the landscape industry…” Hello, Mr. Thompson, pay attention to the action. The compromise ordinance passed by the council specifically exempts electric leaf blowers, so let’s not muddy the waters with false and distracting claims. Vote Yes on Measure V to uphold the ordinance banning gas leaf blowers in the city.
Ben Boyce, Sonoma
Mr. Boyce, a contributor to The Sun, writes here as a private citizen – editor.
Dear Ben Boyce.
I did not ” ridicule ” Ms Kelly’s letter in my statements. If you actually read the letter I commend her concerns on many levels but fail to accept her premise that leaf blowers are equal to the ill health effects of pesticides. Do you Mr Boyce compare the bad health effects of leaf blowers to those of pesticides. Perhaps you should go re read what I wrote. Ms Kelly and Calm have great concerns but they differ from mine. I think gas powered leaf blowers are obnoxious and way overused. Ms. Kelly thinks they are the plague and cause brain cancer or something… You… Mr Boyce. should think before you react and along with Ms Kelly – wake up and get real. In my opinion Cesar Chavez would laugh in your face for thinking leaf blowers are as dangerous as pesticides……..Why don’t you and Ms Kelly start spending your good energy on real issues like affordable housing or traffic or the over branding of Sonoma as wine country and social justice issues of importance. Your obsession with leaf blowers is like pissing in the wind….
Opponents of the ban on gas leaf blowers routinely insist that these obnoxious devices are not a hazard to anyone’s health. In so doing, they typically make non-sequitur comparisons, such as comparing the hazards of gas leaf blowers to drinking a gallon of RoundUp, or all-out nuclear warfare. This is usually accompanied by the insistence that anyone who doesn’t agree with them should ‘wake up and get real’ or just get out of town. All in all, their rantings are only further evidence of the health effect of gasoline leaf blowers on the brains of those who spend a lot of time around them.
Leaf Blowers are not a hell of a lot different than a very windy day… And very windy days happen quite often in sonoma although not much in the summer. I am voting yes on this measure not because of health issues for leaf blower operators but because I find gas powered leaf blowers totally obnoxious. So we are on the same page ultimately… However, to compare leaf blowers health issues to those of pesticides is borderline absurd. Cesar Chavez would laugh at this assertion I am sure. I don’t think they have a health ward at local hospital for workers suffering from using leaf blowers so much but they do have an cancer ward for those who have been using pesticides ….or other environmental substances like pesticides. so you don’t have to ‘ Get Real” as I am certain you are more comfortable in your bubble…..