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Choices of the County School Board

Four propositions on the November ballot — 51, 55, 56 and 58 — if passed would benefit Sonoma County’s public school students. That’s why the Sonoma County Board of Education has unanimously endorsed them.

Prop 51 provides $9 billion in bond funding for K-12 schools, community colleges, charter schools, and career-technical education programs to modernize, upgrade and construct new facilities. Sonoma County school districts have more than $18.3 million in construction needs, and the State of California is out of school facility funds.

Prop 55 would extend the Prop 30 income tax increase on high earners, which voters approved in 2012, raising about $4 to $9 billion annually. Roughly half will go to schools. If Prop 55 fails, school districts maybe forced to cut their budgets.

Prop 56 would provide $20 million for school-based anti-tobacco education programs by increasing the cigarette tax by $2 a pack with an equivalent increase on products containing nicotine, including e-cigarettes. Prop 56 will also reduce teen smoking, because teen smoking drops 6.5% for every 10% increase in the cost of a pack of cigarettes.

Prop 58 would no longer require English-only instruction for English learners, thus providing school districts with more flexibility, greater options, and more local control over educating our students.

Please join us in voting yes on propositions 51, 55, 56 and 58.


Gina Cuclis, President, Sonoma County Board of Education, Boyes Hot Springs



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