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The forest through the trees?

I applaud the Sonoma City Council for having the foresight and courage to set an example by adopting the “EverGreen” plan. Does this mean that each member of the council is truly dedicated to helping our environment? Or is this for some an easy, publicly funded, tactic to dress up their resume’s for the next election?

I find it difficult to accept that certain members do personally support the clean air amendment while fighting tooth and nail to support a significant polluter on our own streets. You guessed it, gas powered leaf blowers! When the Orange County Grand Jury recommended that all public agencies in the county cease using these devises, they cited a study documenting that one gas leaf blower running for an our is the equivalent of 17 cars driven for one hour. This could be why the EPA and Federal Government has already outlawed 2-cycle motors for cars, boats, wave runners, motorcycles and basically everything except power tools.

Perhaps certain council members, and those running for council, and their supporters who find it convenient to remove signs supporting Measure V, could do some soul searching and muster the courage to face our pollution problems at home.

Fred Ebert, Sonoma

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