As a 38-year resident of Sonoma Valley, a former Emergency Room registered nurse, and founder of a local non-profit, I know how important Sonoma Valley Hospital is to our community’s livelihood. I also know how important it is to have an E.R. close by. The driving time to get a loved one to a hospital in Napa or Santa Rosa in a dire emergency is inconceivable, and could be the difference between life and death.
I have been fortunate in that my infrequent trips to the local ER with family members have not been dire emergencies…at least not yet. But I know many people who have, and our community’s ER made all the difference at a time when they needed immediate treatment to survive.
Our ER plays a vital role in the health and wellbeing of our community members, and as far as I am concerned, there is nothing more important than that. Supporting Measure E on the June ballot assures us of keeping this ‘luxury’ local.
We never know when an emergency may strike us or someone we care about. What we do know is that we can count on our community hospital to be there for us when we need it most. Without Measure E, the future of our hospital will enter the unknown, and as a community that cares, we cannot let that happen. Please join me in voting yeson Measure E in June! It may just be the one vote that saves your life… or mine!
Kathy Witkowicki, Sonoma
If you choose not to call 911, but drive to SVH for your life threatening emergency, a mistake has already been made. Sonoma Valley has the highest rated EMT’s / Paramedics to provide the lifesaving treatment you would need while going the short distance to a Trauma Certified Hospital. SVH is not a Trauma Certified Hospital, but is required to treat you while a phone call to a Trauma Hospital is made. The first responders will not take you to SVH if you need a Trauma Hospital. If you go to SVH the same emergancy transportation will be used to get you to a Trauma Hospital. Yes we will use your fear of death to get your vote in June. We need an Urgent Care Facitity here to handle those ER visits. An Urgent Care Facility will make money. Stop the financial bleeding and the huge salary received by the CEO.
As an informed member of the community I know that Sonoma Valley Hospital meets most the the requirements for a Level 1 Trauma Certified hospital. This information is readily available. As a Kaiser member, I am taking the 3 minute car ride to our local ER rather than a 30 minute ambulance ride to Kaiser in San Ramon or Santa Rosa. If we had just an urgent care center in Sonoma they would be required to turn away an ambulance as they are only equipped to replace a visit to your family doctor at odd hours…not to save your life if you have a heart attack or stroke.
You can look up Trauma Centers online. The nearest Trauma Level 1 is San Francisco General and a Level 1 Pediatric at UCSF in Oakland. I don’t see SVH listed as a Trauma Center Hospital.
Yesterday, the St. Joseph Health Prompt Care facility opened at the Riverpark Shopping Center in Napa. It is an urgent care style facility open from 10a to 8pm everyday, located at 1621 West Imola Ave.
One thing Mr. johnjdp never brings up in his facts on why we do not need an ER is this: When the ER is gone, most people will call 911. When panicked, most people will not throw the injured or sick person in a car and set out on a 45 minute trip. Most people will drive the person to an ER that is a few minutes away, as most can handle that amount of stress. What kind of system will we need in place to handle this? How many back up ambulances and EMTs are needed to make sure everyone is gotten to in a few minutes time?
Remember that SVH is NOT a Trauma Hospital. They will however, make arrangements for your transportation to a Trauma Hospital.