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Open letter to SV School Board

We, current and former parents/grandparents of students in the Sonoma Valley Unified School District, former teachers/staff, and concerned community members, gather in support of the teachers and the recent statement by the Valley of the Moon Teachers Association. We do not agree nor support the hiring of Socorro Sheils as Superintendent for the Sonoma Unified School District and our children.

Ms. Sheil’s reputation as Superintendent in Santa Rosa raises significant concerns for us. We find the contract that was proposed to Ms. Sheils to be out of line with the District’s recent budget challenges. While class sizes grow and teachers are cut we can not support a superintendent who is willing to ignore the obvious issues facing the District. We ask you, the Sonoma Valley Board of Trustees, to begin a new search process.


Carrie Atkinson

Melanie Blake

Kimberlee Boldt

Patricia Moore Bongiovanni

Penny Byrd

Bryan Byrd

Zoe Barnett

Veronica Bazan

Lisa and Kyle Bell

Jeanine Breslin

Tiffany Brown

Lydia Calderon

Marnie Carr

Barbara Carrillo

Mary Chelton

Carole Cherry

Heather Claros

Yolanda and Gabriel Contreras

Kristen Church-Drummond

Kristine Cox Scott and Paige Dagner

Ed and Jan Davis

Stacy Derickson

Gary DeSmet

Moriah Dunning

Deborah Feore

Michelle Finn

Gaye Freeman Gabriel

Amy Gallagher

Laurie Gaynor

Annette Giroux

Richard and Rosanne Goertzen

Mario Castillo

Guido Joanna and Jon Greenslade

Ruth Hernandez

Guzman Erica Gysbers

Juana Hampton

Rachael Hairston

Nadine Harmon

Marnie Heitmeyer

Cherie Heran

Erika Hill

Laura Hinerfeld

Pamela Hockersmith

Maci Church Jerry

Lorin and Sam Jones

Aven Kampton

Molly Owsiany Koler

Dawn Lacy

Sean Lacy Joelynn

Robert Lee

Shannon Erickson Lee

Megan Loftus

Mindy & Davis Luby

Mary Lucchese

Janet McLaughlin-Davis

Michelle Jackson

Bret McIntyre

Damian Magnani

Sharon Magnani

Kristi Koeller Magnani

Michelle Mammini J

eanette Mammini

Gayle Manfre

Mark and Katie Margreiter

Ashley and Derich Marsh

Kerri Maxwell

Brett McIntyre

Brandy and Craig Melendy

Gina Midgley-Robinson

Velma Midgley

Kate & Robert Molesworth

Michelle Momsen

Courteney Duffy Morgan

Roberta Morovich

Megie Murray

Bobbi Navas

Sharon Neves

Senia Orr

Alissa & Jeff Pearce

Chris & Rachael Petlock

Deb Pool

Marci Prushko

Debra Quackenbush

Lisa Maria Ragueneau

Summer Reguera

Dana Rexroth

Ana Gonzalez Reyes

Jennifer & Stephan Rochlin

Corey and Angela Sabatino

Tracy Salcedo

Sheila Secchitano

Jane Schwarz

Shannon Lee

Scott Kris Sharp

Debra Simpson

Carol Holt Short

Jennifer and Kevin Sparks

Spring and Michael Stambaugh

Sarah Teves

Tish Thames

Elliot Todd and Shannon McCambridge-Todd

Elizabeth Toscano

Lissa Turnbull

Leslie Vaughn

Christine Velarde

Jeanne Wailes

Darren and Katy Waldrop

Wendy Wales

Stacie Short Watts

Aimee Weiss Emilie

White Michael and Jennifer White

Vicki Whiting

Stephen and Renee Wiggs

Hervy Williams

Celeste Winders

Mike and Jane Witkowski

Barbara Payne Wood

Dani Wroblewski

Ginger Young

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