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Invest in parks — Yes on M

Here is why I’m voting Yes on Measure M to invest in Parks for All. Since I  moved to Sonoma Valley 30 years ago, I’ve adored living so close to so many parks. Early on, I walked Maxwell Farms Regional Park every day with my beloved dog Shasta. More recently, my partner’s black lab service dog Ming got to swim and frolic at water bark at Spring Lake. One time as a bunch of us diehards hiked up Mt. Hood in mid-winter, we were thrilled when snow fell down on our heads and boots.

Today you’re more likely to see me dancing at the base of the soaring peak at Funky Fridays all summer long. And like so many of us since last year’s fires, I’ve been walking the hillsides and oak forests of Sonoma Valley Regional Park as the charred landscape grew back green, wildflowers appeared, then turned gold again.

So now it’s time to give back. Trails need fixing. Creek banks need restoring. Baseball fields and tennis courts need upgrading. New parks are in the wings. Voting Yes on Measure M will provide a stream of funds from a 1/8th cent countywide sales tax for 10 years to make our parks bigger and better than ever. So if you love Sonoma County’s parks as much as I do, please vote Yes on Measure M for Parks for All in November.

— Teri Shore, Sonoma

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