Board Walk ~ Susan Gorin

Susan Gorin Susan Gorin represents the First District as a member of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, an area that includes the entire Sonoma Valley.


Board Walk: Update On A Springs Community Plaza 

Posted on July 6, 2024
Board Walk: Update On A Springs Community Plaza 

On May 15 my office held a bilingual community meeting in the Springs on the topic of the long-discussed Springs Community Plaza. Our... Continue

Upcoming in June: County Budget Hearings

Posted on May 15, 2024
Upcoming in June: County Budget Hearings

Beginning June 11th, the county will commence Budget Hearings for the Fiscal Year 2024/25. Like the State of California, though not... Continue

Remembering Val Robichaud

Posted on March 10, 2024

It is with a heavy heart that I write in remembrance of Val Robichaud, Editor and Publisher of the Sonoma Valley Sun, who passed away ... Continue

Unincorporated Sonoma County – What’s new?

Posted on February 14, 2024
Unincorporated Sonoma County – What’s new?

In the wake of our most recent round of storms, in which steady downpours and fierce winds resulted in flooded roads, swollen creeks... Continue

Join one of the county’s Sonoma Valley-centric Commissions

Posted on January 22, 2024

Did you know that The Sonoma Valley Community Advisory Commission (SVCAC) is one of the longest running advisory commissions in the... Continue

Notes from our Climate town hall

Posted on November 16, 2023

On Wednesday, November 1, the county’s Climate Action and Resiliency Division held a Virtual Town Hall that I hosted along with Supervisor... Continue

Supervisor Gorin’s Sonoma County update for October

Posted on October 24, 2023

For this month’s column, I wanted to write about two different topics: Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) and two community... Continue

Fire season is here: prepare and stay informed

Posted on September 16, 2023

Though we’ve experienced some cooler temperatures and even some light rain this summer, looking out at the golden hills throughout... Continue

The latest from County Supervisor Gorin 

Posted on August 15, 2023

Here’s an update on several topics of interest to residents of the First District.  Broadband Progress – The Board of Supervisors... Continue

County budget has good news for Valley parks

Posted on July 17, 2023
County budget has good news for Valley parks

The Board of Supervisors approved a $2.3 billion budget for the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year. I am incredibly grateful for the hard work... Continue

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA