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Rude Awakenings

Entries from my brother’s diary…

Chapter 61: 1949-1950 • Sonora, California 1949 • Larry’s diary (age 15) The month of October was about school, basketball games, orchestra, movies, books, and work November: much of the same December: same, but these few entries were of interest: Dec 22  Got Christmas tree... Continue

Holy cards, hell, and high water…

Chapter 59: Summer 1949 • Sonora, California ~ Coming out of the Sonora Library (the library and the church tied for first place as Claudia’s second home), one of the nuns recognized Claudia and stopped her and to pat her seven-year-old head. “What a pious child... Continue

That’s just the way it is…

Chapter 58: Summer 1949 • Sonora, California ~ As Sonora was a backwater with no Catholic school, five Franciscan nuns in black habits and white wimples were imported every summer to bring the local schoolchildren a proper religious education, and for five weeks the nuns... Continue

Mom canned apricots this morning

Chapter 57: 1949 • Sonora ~ Larry’s diary (age 15) Jul 16  2nd night of pageant. Gov Warren was there. Uncle Charlie and Aunt Velma came up. Got to bed after 2. Almost late for scene 3. I was an actor in the Big Columbia... Continue

Bought a pair of flashy socks

Chapter 56: 1949 • Sonora ~ Larry and Dad took monthly trips to San Francisco to purchase stock from the Decca, Columbia, and RCA Victor wholesale dealers. Larry decided which records to purchase, as he knew all the popular songs as well as classical music.... Continue

Asked Fisher for raise

  Chapter 55: 1949 • Sonora ~ Larry’s diary (age 15) Jun 1  Cut Spanish because I was 20 minutes late. Watched some practice for pageant. Got impressions for new tooth. Windy. Jun 2  Had last big meal at R&B Jun 3  Had Spanish test,... Continue

Where was her free will?

Chapter 54: 1949 • “Bettyyyy. Claudiaaa.” Mother’s nightly yell for supper bounced across the yard until it floated down to the soft shadows of the creek where the girls fooled away their afternoons catching tadpoles. Betty paid no attention to Mom. Claudia, emptying her Mason... Continue

A higher power

Chapter 53: 1949 • Sonora ~ Our parents never argued about how to raise their children. They argued about Mother’s smoking and drinking and about her housekeeping, but not about raising the kids. Mom gave the older ones a swift kick or a snapping backhand... Continue

Dad raced a burro, placed fourth

Chapter 52: May, 1949 • Diary of my brother (age 15):   May 8  Sunday: Mother's Day, rained a little and had a rainbow. Mom went to Chico to visit Grandma. May 9  Got stamps from Jamestown bought $5.10. Jim got a '49 Jeepster, yellow.... Continue

‘Again, again, swing me again!’

Chapter 51: Apr 1949 • Diary of my brother, Larry (age 15): Apr 22  Freshman picked weeds at school. Am now reading book called Lets Make Mary. Was late for school because of oversleeping Apr 23  Florence Harold came into my room with Ima looking... Continue