Chapter 47: 1948 • Sonora My brother did not keep a diary for much of 1948; between April 2 and December 31 there are only six entries. Our parents were going through difficult times and the household was in chaos. Dad was selling the store,... Continue
Rude Awakenings
Chapter 46: 1948 • Sonora Note: my brother did not keep a diary for much of 1948. Many entries were typical posts about Boy Scouts, band, and building bookcases, some days were missed, and some weeks and months were completely blank. 1948 • Larry’s diary... Continue
Chapter 45: 1947 • Larry’s diary (age 13) -- Dec 1 Bought Daisy air pistol. It is 117 caliber and shoots small sized BB’s. Dec 2 Was sick today and missed school. I may have the flu mom has just gotten well from. Rained. Dec... Continue
Chapter 44: 1947 • Larry’s diary (age 13) Nov 1 Very busy washing windows today. All windows in town were done before noon hour. Nov 2 Sunday: Raked up half the leaves in front yard and mowed lawn. Tore down grape arbor in back Nov... Continue
Chapter 43: Late 1940s • Sonora ~ Lorna Harrington, Betty’s best friend since kindergarten, was unusually shy. My sister took her under her wing, and as birds-of-a-feather they flew everywhere together. Betty saw no reason why she and Lorna shouldn’t participate in all school activities. In... Continue
Chapter 42: 1947 • Larry’s diary (age 13) Oct 1 Went to Mrs. Rossoci's house to see her about some stamps but she was busy Oct 2 Had scout meeting tonight. Got our Spanish textbooks in class, I got a book in very bad condition. Oct... Continue
Chapter 41: 1947 • Larry’s diary (age 13) -- Sep 15 First day of high school was today. Sep 22 My father finished buying Tibbit's and will take over in October Sep 23 A big article was in tonights Democrat and Daily about Dad buying Tibbits Sep 25 It is... Continue
Chapter 40: 1947 • Larry’s diary (age 13) Aug 1 Got paid for morning route and paid off my $15 clothing bill at Baers Aug 2 Paid dad $5 and I still owe him $10 for my radio Aug 3 Went swimming nearly all day... Continue
Chapter 39: 1947 • Larry’s diary (age 13) Jul 1 Going to work in dads store from now on regularly Jul 2 I was delivering papers on my morning route and a girl fell on courthouse spike fence and got a very deep cut on... Continue
Chapter 38: 1947 • Larry’s diary (age 13) Jun 4 Graduated from 8th grade elementary school. I got a wristwatch and binder as gifts. Went to graduation party and danced with Barbara Miles Jun 5 At 2 PM left for 3 week vacation to stay... Continue