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Snark Infested Waters

A Jury of His Peers

The only Americans who’ve not heard of Luigi Mangione have been resting in the nation's cemeteries for some time.   So there’s no need to rehash here the events of that December 4 morning in New York City when young Luigi shot a health insurance CEO... Continue

Beggin’ Your Pardon?

Oxford dictionary:  Pardon - the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense. "He obtained pardon for his sins." Readers may be aware that President Biden has received harsh criticism and a viral tide of rude gestures for pardoning his son, Hunter, whose... Continue

What the ****!!??

Both before and after all the votes were counted, this year's presidential election season put an unprecedented strain on the nation's ability to fully articulate its outrage.    These past many months have left more than a few readers of all political stripes exhausted from trying... Continue

There’s an App for That

Your correspondent apologizes for any typos or wine stains in this piece but he's finishing this column and trying to get his 2024 ballot read, analyzed, marked and in the mail before polls close. Those who’ve herniated a disk lifting those dense Voters Guides know... Continue

Our civic duty

Around this time each year many of us start to get more than a little tired of hearing, "Get out and Vote!" What? AGAIN? Yes! Voting is the lifeblood of our nation! That, and of course, bribery. Fortunately, hereabouts we can register and vote by... Continue

Slamming the Golden Door

Diligent readers abreast of the latest news (wildfires, wars, mass shootings, environmental collapse, political insults du jour) are well aware of the nation's simmering problems with immigration. It's again a hot topic of political brick-batting in the current election cycle. (e.g., "Build that wall! Build... Continue

Dog news From Mars

Dog-lovers in the City of Sonoma can be forgiven for being puzzled about recent news from Mars. Mars Petcare, that is; an earthbound dog-food company which also makes candy for humans, a/k/a Mars Bars. Per a press release by Pets Lifeline, our Valley's animal shelter,... Continue

A more perfect union

Those reading over their copy of the Constitution this July 4th might think it needs some serious updating for the 21st century.  After all, it was last changed 32 years ago -- in 1992 -- when the 27th Amendment (Google it) was approved by 3/4ths... Continue

Statuary to inspire

While most of it is long gone, a proliferation of beautiful statuary was harbored once  at Sonoma's Plaza. For decades, the only 'resident' was Whatshisname-With-Flag-On-A-Rock marking the site where, in 1846, rag-tag (i.e., drunk) white settlers raised the Bear Flag in revolt against Mexico, establishing... Continue

Trending profound

"Profound: 1. having or showing great knowledge and understanding; a profound thinker." In the wake of plagues, coups, wars and killer cops, readers may have noticed a sharp uptick in Profundity in newscasts & on social media. Apparently, that's because mass mediacasters (as well as... Continue