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Wild Valley

The sly, beautiful trickster

On the evening of the Summer Solstice, after walking my dog and watching the sunset, I spotted a coyote trotting along the fence line between the Montini property and open space. To watch, I pulled over next to the pasture where cows were settling down... Continue

The Mayacamas

The sun set and the moon rose as we danced and gazed up at the rusty face of Hood Mountain and the rugged Mayacamas range. Honestly, it felt like paradise for us boomers as we boogied with others young and old at this season’s first... Continue

Rattlesnakes alive!

I recently had a “Full Monty” encounter with a big ol’ rattlesnake. I was hiking above Fern Lake on Sonoma Developmental Center open space lands when I turned onto an asphalt path at Camp Via. Shocked to a standstill by shrill rattling and hissing, I... Continue

Lions and life

Mountain lions changed my life. In the late 1990s, a measure was put on the ballot to reverse the ban on trophy hunting of mountain lions in California. I’m not against legal hunting of ducks, deer and other prey animals, but using dogs and trackers... Continue

When robins abound 

Everyone is seeing robins everywhere this year! Impressive flocks of the familiar rusty-breasted all-American bird are feeding on berries and searching the ground for worms all over Sonoma Valley. I’ve spotted robins along the bike path, at Maxwell Park, at the Sonoma Valley Regional Park,... Continue

Wildflower season is here

A flash of red springing from the forest floor or a dash of pink jutting from a rocky outcrop always stops me in my tracks. For years, I’ve been taking pictures of incredibly beautiful and unique wildflowers during my walks and hikes in Sonoma Valley... Continue