Far many, the passing of 2017 is a relief, but we've survived the test of fire and now look ahead to what 2018 will bring. The top of the list is rain; December was nearly bone-dry, and reminds us of how precious drinking water is... Continue
The “out of city” seats on City of Sonoma commissions are intended to provide a way for valley residents to gain some influence in city decision-making. Historically, appointees to these seats have been residents of The Springs, or parts of the valley community adjacent to the... Continue
Urban growth boundaries, community separators, growth management ordinances, and zoning regulations, not to mention sewer plant capacity, water availability, traffic and other infrastructure systems; all these are intrinsically related to how we use the land and the rules that govern that use. The product of... Continue
The world seems quite chaotic lately. The government in Washington D.C. is polarized and paralyzed. The climate and weather patterns are changing in unpredictable ways. The stock market keeps hitting new highs, while the poorest in America hit new lows. Gun violence is rampant, addiction... Continue
Under the noses of citizens, a private event center in disguise is close to approval for construction in the heart of our Sonoma Baylands. After the 50-year-old Black Point Sports Club was forced to relocate, it was acquired by a high-profile local developer. Darius Anderson... Continue
Sonoma Valley residents are now experiencing a range of post-fire emotions, one of which is gratitude towards the first responders, and all their support teams, for saving the area from even more widespread destruction. These feelings of gratitude for the fire and safety personnel are... Continue
It's been a traumatic few weeks for Sonoma Valley; many now homeless, woodlands and grasslands denuded of ground-cover, unhealthy air, and an economy hit hard. The ripple effects of the Sonoma Valley Firestorm will continue for months, and so will the personal and social trauma.... Continue
Like many of you, we at the SUN found ourselves scattered to various locations this past week, as the fire and evacuations drove us from our homes. Deprived of reliable internet access, and in the light of information offered by Facebook groups and other modes... Continue
Discussion before the City Council and on Facebook about wine tasting rooms on the Plaza always seem to include mention of The Free Market. This issue mirrors arguments one hears about the role of government nationally, i.e., should businesses be allowed to regulate themselves? This... Continue
Despite the aspirations of its General Plan, the policies and measures of its Development Code, its Planning Commission and its Planning Director, Sonoma’s development planning process is a mess. From homes too large, mansions on hilltops, ill-conceived commercial developments and impact analyses that defy common... Continue