Things are pretty crazy in America right now. Talk of civil war is bubbling up on the internet, the upcoming election feels daunting, and democracy itself seems to be fraying not only at the edges but squarely at the middle. Congress, particularly the House of... Continue
People have lived here for a very long time. Western and Asian cultures are recent arrivals; for countless centuries America’s indigenous tribes enjoyed this rich and verdant territory. From Anishinaabe, Pomo, and Algonquin tribes to Ohlones and Coast Miwoks, for at least 10,000 years people... Continue
Small town newspapers are failing all across America. The proliferation of online media has irrevocably altered the newspaper business, resulting in failure of small publications and accelerated industry consolidation into the hands of national and multi-national corporations. Nonetheless, we at the Sonoma Valley Sun newspaper... Continue
We are pleased to announce that the Sonoma Valley Sun will continue to be published and printed twice monthly, beginning June 1, 2024. With the love and support of Val Robichaud’s family, we have reorganized the business under new ownership; two Sun newspaper veterans each... Continue
Since the untimely death of Sun publisher Val Robichaud, we at The Sun have been been considering how to go forward. Our website is still up and running, but production of a printed paper has been suspended until a new business plan is created.... Continue
We don’t know precisely when human language developed, but given our inclination to communicate it probably emerged quite early in our social development. How grunts, whistles, and moans became names, words, and gained meaning is one of those mysteries of mental development we’ll never know... Continue
Government is not a business; its purpose is not to make a profit, but to further the aim of creating a good society. What constitutes a good society is a matter of varying opinion, but in America it usually shows as (a), protecting private property... Continue
The City of Sonoma recently adopted a new policy requiring the disclosure of Ex Parte communications with “interested parties” who have development applications pending before the city. In other words, when council members or commissioners get privately lobbied by applicants, they must publicly report it. ... Continue
September, 1897 -- DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? VIRGINIA O’HANLON 115... Continue
That is the question coming before Sonoma’s City Council on December 6 on an appeal by Kenwood Development over its planned hotel on West Napa Street. At issue is not the Planning Commission’s approval of the hotel itself, but the commission’s requirement that Kenwood pay... Continue