I spent a considerable amount of time at the Little League fields this weekend and was nonplused by the level of swearing that I heard. This colorful language wasn’t coming from the adults, it was emanating from the kids. Some were players, others were siblings... Continue
I admit it. I am one of those people who have always felt that health care is a human right. Personal experience has only reinforced this view, such as the yard sales we held to pay the modest rent of a neighbor who was dying... Continue
The results of the annual Sonoma Valley Sun “Best Of” poll grace our pages this week with a cadre of predictable regulars triumphing yet again but also some unexpected surprises as well. In all seriousness, the poll is anything but. It is quite simply folly... Continue
We may have heard that command before, directed at us, but it’s been on our own volition that we’ve taken to the pathways in these few days since Daylight Savings time arrived. It’s kind of silly, since the number of hours of daylight hasn’t changed,... Continue
But we’re not blue. Far from it. We’re about as optimistic as they come. It dawns on us, though, that “optimistic” and “optometry” must not have the same Latin root, for the clear vision belongs to the pessimists, instead: anywhere you look in the world,... Continue
If March really does come in like a lion and out like a lamb then perhaps we’ll be in good shape for the latter part of the month. Monday’s storm brought wind, rain and glorious cloud formations if you kept an eye toward the sky.... Continue
We got wind recently of an idea taking root at Prestwood School. The “Maloney Perfect Moment Garden” will not only serve to enhance the campus but, more importantly, be a living memorial to the Maloney family. John Maloney was treasured by his family for embracing... Continue
... Long Live the King! I’ve always enjoyed the traditional English saying when a change in government had occurred: “The King is dead. Long live the King.” That’s kind of how I feel today, with this issue of the Sun signifying such a change. The... Continue
Their slogan was right: we couldn’t “Resist Ya”! The energetic performance by the Experiential Theater Company on Saturday’s opening afternoon was irresistibly happy. Cute kids, snappy music from Abba, and well-rehearsed staging – what more could you want? The show’s four “principal dancers” are local... Continue