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The American Covenant

Timing in life is everything. No sooner had we pondered the Ten Commandments in this space last week than the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church reportedly announced that he wants to display the “ark of the covenant,” kept hidden for thousands of years in... Continue

Our View: Arne Duncan’s Choice

Washington, D.C.’s school voucher program for low-income kids isn’t dead yet. But the Obama Administration seems awfully eager to expedite its demise. About 1,700 kids currently receive $7,500 vouchers to attend private schools under the Opportunity Scholarship Program, and 99% of them are black or... Continue

Jack and Jill

Both, in large numbers, “hit the road” last Sunday, with the locals once again turning in fast times at the front of the pack, sweaty times in the middle and happy times throughout. As a fundraiser this year for the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation, this... Continue

Our View: Tourists or locals?

So much emphasis is focused on tourism here in Sonoma Valley that sometimes it seems we locals get treated as an afterthought. Fortunately, that’s not really true and we’re in the midst of several occasions this spring that emphasize the point. Consider, for instance, the... Continue

Our View: Report card time

Test scores for 2008 have been announced, and Sonoma schools are not getting top grades. These are the Academic Performance Index base reports, posted last week on the California Department of Education Web site; they give a composite score for student performance at each school.... Continue

Our View: Arch to nowhere | Prevailing wisdom

Arch to nowhere Remember U.S. Senator Ted Stevens and his infamous “bridge to nowhere” in Alaska, for which he secured millions in congressional funding? That federal boondoggle comes to mind when we read about the Springs Redevelopment Advisory Committee considering the expenditure of yet more... Continue

No to taxes

We suggest voting no on the array of ballot measures in next Tuesday’s election. These are put forward as a part of the messy political machinations last winter when the governor and legislators tried to close the big gap in the state budget. Most of... Continue

Our View: You ____ tube

The Internet sensation? No ... although we have some charming videos playing on SVTV Comcast 27. A puzzle? Well, maybe ... You have a tube? You are a tube? Oh, you need a tube! That’s right. Starting next week we’ll be delivering your copy of... Continue

Cinco de Mayo

May 5 is one of our favorite holidays, as it is for the many here in Sonoma who will join La Luz Center this Sunday on the Plaza for a Cinco de Mayo celebration. A generation ago, it was a minor event. But now, it’s... Continue

USS Sonoma High

That’s right ... Sonoma Valley High School is to become a “flagship” school, and we commend the school board and the superintendent for setting a high goal with the restructuring currently being planned, so that the high school can more fully meet the needs of... Continue