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Deep conversations with an enlightened soul – such as we had one recent morning – can inspire us to step back and ponder the much bigger picture. Is it that we are here on Planet Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy, by random chance? Is... Continue

Our View: “Hey, Coach”

We’ve been reflecting this week on Sonoma’s good fortune to have Head Coach Mick O’Meara and Defensive Coach Mike Mulas as our high school football coaches. These men exemplify the values we seek to instill in our youth, and their 25-year, continuing tenure together with... Continue

Called to Service

As we look back on this week, with its extended Veterans Day celebration on both Monday (schools closed) and Tuesday (government closed), we can’t help thinking, too, of the many servicemen and servicewomen who did not come home – those who gave their very lives... Continue

Faith. Hope. Optimism.

The American Dream, fulfilled in our midst this very week. What a glorious occasion was Election Night 2008. So much commentary by the media in this campaign has been about race, about the racial make-up of our soon-to-be President Barack Obama. We think that what’s... Continue

Prop, or Not

As readers can tell from the number of letters published, the Editorial Board is being taken to task for not opposing Prop. 8, the ballot measure that would write into the state constitution the identical language that California voters passed in 2000. That earlier measure,... Continue

‘New York Sun,’ R.I.P.

So read the editorial headline in the Washington, D.C. Weekly Standard last week, mourning the closing on September 30 of that popular New York City daily newspaper. The New York Times called the Sun “lively” and noted its numerous devotees across the cultural spectrum of... Continue

Of the people, by the people.

Gotta love California! Anybody with enough money can put anything on the ballot by using the petition initiative process. In this election cycle, only Propositions 1 and 12 were put on by the legislature. While our inclination is to vote NO, figuring that more laws... Continue

For whom is the lever pulled?

As always at election time, we offer you our thoughts on local candidates and ballot items. Fire District: This race for three seats has the three incumbents running for re-election and one challenger. The incumbents have all shown they are on top of the issues... Continue


Can’t you hear Tevye, in Fiddler on the Roof, as he pleas for the safety of tradition? Perhaps you really CAN hear those haunting refrains, early in the morning when Wally Breitman plays material from old musicals on KSVY 91.3 FM. Tradition! That’s what we... Continue

Instant Replay

Did it thrill you, too? Watching the Dragons football game on the local television channel SVTV27 and seeing, new this year, instant replay? Thanks to the imaginative genius of computer engineer Bob Smith, our community’s little station joins “the big time.” With four cameras covering... Continue