Yep, that’s true. We know that, intellectually. So why does it bother us so much, each time it’s proven true? Some might say that’s the occasion of reaching adulthood, when a young person realizes that “life ain’t fair.” But even as adults, it seems we’re... Continue
Everyone enjoys something slightly different about July 4, and at times past we’ve been especially excited about the fireworks, or the parade, or the hot dogs. With the holiday tomorrow, we do hope that everyone can slow down and enjoy some reflective time. Ah, would... Continue
We who seek to serve the public via the free press admire those who also serve the public by holding government office without pay. An often thankless task, we understand, but an essential one. Here in Sonoma, several more such public servants will be needed... Continue
Joan Huguenard takes us out of our personal comfort zone. And that can be a good thing. That’s the case with the periodic topic for “just joan”: the Middle East. We take no active side in the battle over homeland in Palestine. We have shaken... Continue
Rite of Passage Graduation from high school is traditionally viewed as one of the most memorable events of our lives, and last Friday’s events certainly will be for many of those young adults moving on from Sonoma Valley High School. In these modern times, the... Continue
“You win some; you lose some.” So goes the saying by which many of us (too many?) live our lives. “Life’s one big game.” And in every game, in every contest, “they” keep score; someone wins and someone loses. Maybe. That really depends, as do... Continue
On Monday this week we attended the Memorial Day ceremony at the Sonoma Veterans Memorial Park behind the Veterans’ Building. It was a lovely event, the 50th here in Sonoma, in a setting made even more lovely by Robert Behrens’ sculpture. We were moved to... Continue
We’ve been writing about the Sonoma Valley Hospital, that is, about keeping the hospital, as long as our paper has been here. Most of our editorials on that topic have been titled, appropriately, “Whither the Hospital.” Perhaps we need to sharpen our focus. Building something... Continue
There are twin Propositions, 98 and 99, on our June 3 ballots. Each is entitled “Eminent Domain,” a topic that has been of considerable local concern in siting a new hospital. Here’s what we had to say on the subject more than two years ago:... Continue
Ballots are out now for the June 3 election, and members of the fearsome foursome, as some have called the four individuals vying for the supervisor position in Sonoma County District 1, are feeling the heat. With a large percentage of voters returning their ballots... Continue