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Facing Facts

El Dia de los Niños, May Day March, Cinco de Mayo, These local events within the last week were peaceful, happy celebrations of cultural heritage and of American freedom, and they turn our thoughts once again to the topic of immigration. There is a case... Continue

Oh, well …

We still thought it was worth pursuing – the “free” hospital that Cirrus Health Group wanted to build on Eighth Street. Despite the troubles that arose among Cirrus, the Sonoma Valley Health Care Coalition, and the Sonoma Valley Health Care District Board of Directors, concerning... Continue

Valleyville, California

Valleyville, California We appreciate Gay Kisbey’s thoughtful letter to us, in which she correctly notes that the Springs Area Redevelopment Advisory Committee tackles a large number of issues. We’re pleased to continue covering the meetings of that group, appreciating as we do the importance of... Continue

Clear Skies

We’re enjoying the hints of summer weather that have graced us in the last few weeks. Clear skies are part of what makes Sonoma so special – the deep blue over the beautiful hills, the jet black of the starlit nights. We value clarity in... Continue

Honest – It’s True

“I give you my word.” Used to be that was good enough, and maybe it still is in many transactions. Typically, we expect, those are face-to-face transactions, the way they all used to be until a century or so ago. “A man’s word is his... Continue

Culture of Giving; Culture of Renewal

Culture of Giving We are not the only ones who think that forming non-profits is a local cottage industry in Sonoma. At a recent luncheon at the Lodge, hosted by the local Rotary Club, attendees heard Kim Klein, on the faculty at Hastings College of... Continue

All Things Considered

We’re thinking of the Sonoma City Council’s decision last week to push ahead with the reconstruction of the permanent council chambers and police station on First Street West, instead of switching to the more popular site on Broadway at Patten Street. Change had seemed so... Continue

Bully for Boerum; Saturday Forecast: Sunny!

Bully for Boerum We welcome the newest member of the Sonoma Valley Health Care District board, Bill Boerum. Selected Monday night by the four sitting directors, Boerum knows full well the situation he’s walking into, having been a leader in the ‘No on C’ campaign... Continue

Local Politics Makes Sense

It does the soul good to see Ken Brown join fellow council members Joanne Sanders and Aug Sebastiani, as he did last week, to delay the expenditure of more than $4 million in city funds to refurbish the council chambers and police station on First... Continue

Time to Lead, Carefully

The passage of Measure B in Tuesday’s balloting confirms the continued support of the citizens of Sonoma Valley for a local hospital. Even with the uncertainty around the question of public or private and around the choice among sites that are here, there, and in... Continue