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Dunbar hosts Moondance fundraiser

Dunbar School’s annual Moondance fundraiser will be held on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 5 to 11 p.m., at the barn at Atwood Ranch in Glen Ellen. This year’s event, “Moonstruck,” will feature a gourmet Italian dinner, wine, silent and live auctions and music. Auction items... Continue

Event information:

An informational forum will be held on Thursday Nov. 8 at 6 p.m. at Boys & Girls Club Valley of the Moon in the Learning Center 100 W. Verano Avenue in Maxwell Farms Regional Park. This evening is free and open to the Sonoma Valley... Continue

Heritage turkeys being raised by Sonoma County youth

This Thanksgiving my family and I will be enjoying a rich and delicious piece of American history called Bourbon Red. No, it is not whisky, but a heritage turkey that was first developed in Bourbon County, Ky., from wild and domesticated North American turkeys. Other... Continue

Springs Redevelopment Committee seeks members

Eleven people attended a public information meeting of Sonoma Valley’s Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) on Thursday evening, Nov. 1, to learn about the process for running for open seats on the RAC. The RAC makes recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors for programs and projects in the Springs area.... Continue

Getting down and dirty in the rain

Before you do, hustle on out to Wildwood Farm in Kenwood to check out their Japanese maple trees blooming “in full Technicolor.” Watch for the Acer palmatum Osakazuki with large palmate leaves, one of the most photographed of all Asian maples. Apparently this particular tree... Continue

Learn to look at fear

Guest Columnist Last week I began to explore how fear drives people into a fight or flight response, and how that leads to conflict within marriage. At a very primitive level we all have a fear of being alone, of being abandoned by those we... Continue

Maybe. Maybe not.

Time alarm clock went off – 6:03 am (average); number of times hit snooze – 0 (miraculous); actual time out of bed – 6:06 (excellent); time spent looking for socks – 4.5 minutes; color of socks – purple and pink stripes (all I can say... Continue