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Claudia Wager Creates a Salute to the Arts Goddess

Submitted Material Great poster artwork is a must for Sonoma Salute to the Arts. This year’s 22nd annual food, wine, and arts festival, to be held August 3 – 5, 2007, features artwork by noted artist Claudia Wagar. Her Salute to the Arts Goddess offers... Continue

The amazing chardonnay phenomenon

When I started my winery 20 years ago, I had a modest plan to make a few hundred cases of Carneros chardonnay harvested from the best vineyard in my brief career here, the Sangiacomo Vineyard. I thought that in making a modest living and growing... Continue

Bill (and Dave’s) excellent hiking adventures

The hikers on top of Bald Mountain preparing to observe 21 different fireworks displays around the Bay. Photo by Tim Omarzu.Every Fourth of July, Bill Myers leads a group of 40 hikers on a roughly one-hour-long trek to the top of Bald Mountain at Sugarloaf... Continue

Sachiko rising

joseph lemas/special to the Sun Sachiko Kanenobu was the only female artist on Japan’s first independent record label, Underground Record Club.Sachiko Kanenobu may be in the midst of a musical comeback, but the modest Glen Ellen resident is taking it all in stride. Last year,... Continue

Fully-aged relationships

Until I got involved in church in my late 30s, I had few relationships with people much older than I was. Like many Americans of my generation, I left the town where I grew up and lived in places far from my family. I practiced... Continue

Saving the underdog

Dear Dr. Forsythe: What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever removed from a pet’s stomach in surgery? Allie, Sonoma. Dear Allie: Funny you should ask. I have a story to tell you. I sometimes wish, for pet’s sake, that all underwear were the edible kind.... Continue

New musical satirizes beauty pageants

Nicholson Ranch Players from left to right, Kerry Daly, Jaime Love, Nancy Vandegrift, Julia Holsworth, will be performing in “The Mrs. I Mean Ms. All American Housewife Pageant ‘77.” Ryan lely/Sonoma Valley SunIt’s almost too easy to ridicule beauty pageants. The TV broadcast itself offers... Continue

Bat guano? What the heck?

The Friedman’s ad in the Sun inspired me to “shuffle on down to the lumber yard” (à la “Ma Perkins” of ‘50s radio fame) to check out what they had currently in their garden department, and Jerry needed some white paint that would actually stick... Continue

Rise above it all

Photo by Ryan LelyThe public won’t be allowed onto the 98-acre Montini Ranch before the spring of 2008. But when the gates do swing open, hikers are likely to appreciate the high degree of drama that trail-planners were able to squeeze out of the hillside... Continue