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New terrain for ATEVs: Sonoma Valley vineyards

Chris Holman, operations manager at Gundlach Bundschu Winery, tries out the new electric all-terrain-vehicle from Electric Vehicle Systems in the winery’s vineyards. Photo by Dyann Espinosa The wine industry in Sonoma Valley got the first look last week at a brand new means of transportation... Continue

Environmental science program added to Soloquest curriculum

Starting in January, SoloQuest will be adding an environmental science program to its curriculum. Director Deborah Stewart seen here in the room used as the programs lab. Ryan lely/Sonoma Valley Sun College-bound high school juniors and seniors have a unique opportunity for individual growth while... Continue

Education a priority?

Time alarm clock went off: 5:45 am, Time got out of bed: 6:15 am, Minutes took getting dressed: 15, Number of times looked at the clock wishing to have just 10 more minutes: 5, Minutes took finding shoes: 4 (they were finally found buried in... Continue

Five great places to stash your holiday visitors

Having friends and family visit over the holidays is one of the great joys of the season, but playing host adds a lot of stress at an already-busy time. Like too much leftover turkey, even the most beloved guests become unpalatable after the third day.... Continue

Family trying to decide whether to continue chemo

Dear Dr. Forsythe: We are struggling with the decision about whether to continue with chemotherapy for our dog. He is suffering from lymphoma and has started chemotherapy, but he is struggling and we cannot decide if it was a good decision to give him chemotherapy.... Continue

Where the heck is Wingo?

Photos by Ryan Lely Special to the SunSonoma Valley is perceived as a slow-paced alternative to the other more urbanized or commercialized areas surrounding it, but 100 years ago, the budding towns that sprang up in the Valley were putting Sonoma on the fast track... Continue

Non-profit agencies to help adults talk to kids during crises

Left: Tim Boeve, executive director of WillMar Center, represents one of the five non-profits that will be participating in the discussion. Right: David Pier is the executive director of the Boys & Girls Club Valley of the Moon. Ryan lely/Sonoma Valley Sun Communication with our... Continue