Evidence of alien life became one of 2024’s hot topics. Could 2025 be the year we learn we’re not alone? Continue
Can insurance as we know it survive climate change? Shrinking coverage and rising temperatures are a risky combination Continue
California's largest agricultural constituency backed Trump in November, but undocumented immigrants make up at least half of the state’s agricultural workforce. Now what? Continue
Is this the best we can hope for when imagining a species at the top-of-the-food-chain on a habitable planet, 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang? Continue
California passes tons of new laws each year. Legislators wanted 1,100 reports on how California’s laws are working. Most haven’t arrived Continue
Scientists explore longevity drugs for dogs that could also ‘extend human life'. Researchers say drugs may be able to increase lifespan by extending health and thus shortening the rate of ageing Continue
Google goes nuclear: Google has placed an order for six or seven new small nuclear reactors in a bid to source low-carbon energy to power its artificial intelligence (AI) technologies Continue
Where are you in the pecking order? Middle children are more cooperative than their siblings, study suggests Continue
There is a science-fiction epic going on under our feet, an alien geopolitics being negotiated by the 20 quadrillion ants living on Earth today Continue
The plant Plectranthus barbatus is the African toilet paper. It has the potential to be an environmentally friendly alternative to industrial toilet paper Continue