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Letters To The Editor

Sonoma Overlook Trail gives thanks

Editor: Our wonderful Sonoma Overlook Trail is now nearly 12 years old!  While the SOT is owned by the City, it has been maintained by citizen volunteers on the SOT Task Force.  Over the past year, there have been two especially noteworthy improvements to the... Continue

A-g kudos, concerns

Editor: I applaud and support what the school district of Sonoma Valley is doing in regard to the a-g program which aims to prepare all students for college, but at the same time I have concern with regards to how this would either benefit or... Continue

Response to Prestwood’s “Broccoli Caper”

Editor: We are certain that Ms. Hill did not intend to suggest that Prestwood parents are “uninvolved” when reporting on the missing broccoli caper in a recent issue of the Sonoma Index Tribune. However, this report has opened the opportunity for us to mention how... Continue

Sheana Davis speaks out

Editor’s note: In a letter addressed to the entire Sonoma Valley Community, Sheana Davis of The Epicurean Connection had the following to say: Having been removed officially from the Friday morning Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers Market, I would like to share that my concerns did... Continue

Calls MMDs in the Springs “inappropriate”

Editor: I believe a Medical Marijuana Dispensary in the Springs would be inappropriate for the community. Like most Sonoma County voters, I voted for the initiative that legalized medical marijuana. As a parent of teenagers, I am aware of the unintended consequences of that initiative.... Continue

Moth threat is overblown and over-regulated

 Editor’s note: These comments were delivered to a State Senate Budget Subcommittee hearing on the Light Brown Apple Moth. I am the California State Grange’s Legislative (outreach) Advocate for farmers and consumers. For those unfamiliar with the Grange, it is California’s oldest agricultural organization, priding... Continue

Is Sonoma going to the dogs?

Editor: In response to a letter in last week’s paper, there is no guarantee that the dog Janet Cain was bitten by had its rabies shots; and I would not take the word of the dog owner who acted irresponsibly by not controlling his dog... Continue

In fact, Sonoma IS going to the dogs

Editor: Kudos to your newspaper’s support for the Sonoma Community Center’s annual membership drive. SCC is one of the few historic sites in the city that has actual every-day utility for our residents in the 21st century. Originally a school where previous generations actually learned things, it has extra historical significance in a... Continue

More support for Sheana Davis

Editor’s note: The following letter was addressed to Sonoma County Supervisor Valerie Brown. Dear Supervisor Brown: I have just been informed that a local Sonoma food purveyor, Sheana Davis, has been told she may no longer sell her cheese and other products at the Sonoma... Continue

Cheesy politics at the Farmers Market

Editor: My wife Kathy and I are Sonoma residents who frequently patronize the Friday morning Farmers Market. We were surprised to learn the other day that local cheese maker and merchant Sheana Davis had been removed from the Market by Hilda Swartz the market’s current... Continue