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Letters To The Editor

Pets Lifeline rant

Editor: I am very disappointed with my recent adoption of two kittens from Pets Lifeline. The kitties are awesome but I am disappointed in the staff. They were rude and not informative about the cats or dogs. The way the economy is, you would think... Continue

Calls bank to action

Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to David Payne, the chairman, president and CEO of Westameria Bank. Sir: I am appalled by your bank’s strategy for the Banco de Sonoma branch of your Sonoma Valley Bank acquisition. As you should know, the Sonoma Valley... Continue

Maitre d’Patch

Editor: In reflection on the spring and summer days gone by, I wish to thank Leo, the guardian of The Patch. One tomato, two tomatoes, three tomatoes, four! Your steadfast presence along with your knowledge of the varieties of vegetables and fruits available made each... Continue

Michael Kelley’s legacy

Editor: There were many nice things said about Michael Kelley this week. He was a poet, musician, radio personality, friend, etc. But there appears to have been one, very important omission. Michael’s greatest legacy was that he was the father of three amazing children. I’m... Continue

High-five for Jackson tribute

Editor: Cat Austin’s production of “MJ – It’s all for Love: The Music and Dance of Michael Jackson” will present its last show this Saturday, Nov. 20, at the Sebastiani Theatre. The show incorporates 26 students, ages nine through 17, from many of our Valley’s... Continue

Thank you, Sonoma

Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped make my 17 years on the Sonoma Plaza a very fun and rewarding experience. Starting with Framing on the Square in 1993 and ending with The Laughing Queen in 2010 my shop... Continue

The dangers of underage drinking

I am a parent of teens writing to tell other Sonoma Valley parents about a very useful guide that contains lots of practical information to help us keep our kids alcohol free.   Published by the Sonoma County Department of Health Services, in conjunction with... Continue

Cynic’s guide to voting

Editor: May I use your public print to express my regret on learning of Augie Sebastiani’s pending retirement from public life? Augie’s public utterances and politically inspired recommendations always made it simple for me to do my duty as a civic-minded citizen voter. Filling out... Continue

FISH needs volunteer drivers

Editor: I am a volunteer ridefinder for FISH. Last week I was able to connect drivers with 35 people needing rides to medical appointments. Unfortunately, there were four people who wanted, but did not get rides because FISH does not have enough volunteer drivers to... Continue

A note of thanks

Editor: Thanks to the people of Sonoma for the support of the hospital and of my candidacy for the Sonoma Valley Hospital District board.  You have given me an opportunity for four more years of service. The campaign was an opportunity to raise awareness of... Continue