Editor: I have cast my ballot and ask you to consider joining me in support of David Chambers and Kevin Carruth for election to the Board of Sonoma Valley Hospital. I know them well. They are exceptionally well qualified. They will serve our community with... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Editor: I’m a proud parent of two students at El Verano Elementary School. Ever since my son Alex started school there, I saw the needs that the school had and I began to get involved. Since then I have given countless hours and have encouraged... Continue
Sonoma City Councilmember August Sebastiani, who is not running for reelection, released this letter Tuesday. Editor: As an outgoing member of the Sonoma City Council, many of my supporters have asked if I plan to make an endorsement. This year it hasn’t proven to be... Continue
Valley terrorists walk among us. You’ve seen them. They stalk our neighborhoods and streets. Usually spotted between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. They wear blue jeans and flannel shirts, a strange contraption strapped to their backs, a black hose emits that terrible... Continue
Editor: If you’re inclined to put up a campaign sign for Barbara Boxer, I suggest you retrieve one you may have stashed in your garage. It reads: “Cows Not Casinos.” Several years ago House representatives passed legislation granting tribal status to Graton Rancheria. The legislation... Continue
Editor: Here are some questions that weren’t asked at the recent city council candidates forum: 1. Martin Luther King, Jr. questioned when a man would be judged by the content of his character (surely not meant as gender specific). Putting aside what a candidate says... Continue
Editor: Thank you so much for bringing attention to Breast Cancer Awareness Month by including facts about breast cancer in last week’s Sun. The chance of a woman having breast cancer in her life is less than one in eight according to the American Cancer... Continue
Editor: Concerning the breast cancer column on page 15 of the October 7 issue - how disgusting that you entitled it Save Those Boobies. Evidently this is a joke to you. Obviously you don’t recognize that people with breast cancer, especially those who have undergone... Continue
Editor: We were neighbors of Zino and his restaurant on First Street East for over 10 years. Zino was a wonderful guy, and we had many good times together. Once on a trip to France, Zino arranged for us to dine at his brother’s restaurant... Continue
Editor: On Sunday, October 3, my wife and I experienced a most enjoyable and fun afternoon at the Valley of the Moon Petanque Club’s annual Sonoma Oktoberfest. The novice players, like us, learned to play this French game at the petanque/bocce courts located behind the... Continue