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Letters To The Editor

A whiff that returns

Editor: San Bruno, California, is about 12 miles south of San Francisco, near the airport. That is where the gas line ruptured and exploded into a massive fireball hundreds of feet tall, burning dozens of homes, killing at least four, and injuring many others. Residents... Continue

Just don’t call it a marriage

Editor: If homosexuals want to live together that is fine with me. Homosexuals should have some type of legal contractual binding cohabitation agreement. This agreement must give them the same rights and privileges that are enjoyed by heterosexual couples. That is fair. What heterosexual couples... Continue

Good-bye, Sumar

Editor: The death toll continues to rise at SeaWorld after a 12-year-old orca named Sumar died at the theme park’s San Diego location. Sumar died far short of the expected 50- to 60-year lifespan for orcas who roam the vast oceans, their rightful homes. Orcas... Continue

Praise for Sonoma Valley Hospital

Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to Sonoma Valley Hospital. To Kelly Mather, CEO Sonoma Valley Hospital Dear Kelly: This letter is to show our appreciation for the wonderful and loving care that the staff of Sonoma Valley Hospital’s 2 North staff gave to... Continue

Wisdom at age 18

Editor: With regards to last week’s Just Joan column, Erica Goldson has grown in wisdom through her own introspection and discernment. It wasn’t through what was being taught in the schools. If peace education was a major effort in schools, we wouldn’t have wars. It... Continue

Urges support for Prop. 21

Editor: I encourage all Sonomans to support our State Parks by voting “Yes” on Prop. 21 on November 2. Our state parks have been underfunded by Sacramento for years, resulting in fewer rangers, deteriorating buildings, dirty restrooms and closed parks. The continuing gridlock in approving... Continue

Why not both?

Editor: How would you feel if you ran a successful business in Sonoma for 14 years, only to be denied renewal of your permit unless you provide a party every week for the public in and around the City to attend, free of charge? What... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Good money after bad  On August 20, Sonoma Valley Bank was taken over by Westamerica Bank. I often pass by the branch on my way back and forth to work and I couldn’t help but notice a number of corporate suits swarming around the bank... Continue

Letters to the editor

The following letter was sent to President Obama on August 14, 2010 Dear Mr. President: Your press secretary has recently been quoted as strongly criticizing those of us Democratic party activists who feel that you have failed in some of the most important promises you... Continue

A letter to President Obama

The following letter was sent to President Obama on August 14, 2010 Dear Mr. President: Your press secretary has recently been quoted as strongly criticizing those of us Democratic party activists who feel that you have failed in some of the most important promises you... Continue