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Letters To The Editor

Letters to the Editor

City speaks out on skate park Editor: Today I am writing in behalf of the City of Sonoma Public Works Department.  Last week, I made the decision to close the skate park for the second time this summer due to excessive trash and vandalism. The... Continue

Support urged for new school bond measure

I know it sounds cheesy but our children and our schools need our help. Sonoma Valley schools currently face a budget deficit of over $1.5 million for the next fiscal year. The Sonoma Valley Unified School District has approved a Proposition 39 General Obligation Bond... Continue

Letters to the editor

Your vote matters I never used to pay much attention to the candidates for Sonoma City Council. I considered candidates mostly interchangeable. I never thought their decisions, and the people they validate to be on the Planning Commission, could have a profound and direct influence... Continue

Thanks to outstanding volunteers

Quarryhill Botanical Gardens provided a beautiful setting for the annual STAR Awards held on July 25. The program, maintained by the Sonoma Valley Fund, recognizes outstanding community volunteers on an annual basis. Patricia Cullinan and Nancy Simpson were honored this year for their valiant efforts... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Irked by Burgo The following letter is directed to The Sun’s former sports writer, Rick Burgo. Dear Mr. Burgo: We (my father and I) read your article, “World level fail,” which was centered on your perceived failures of the World Cup.  We would like to... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Loved Sun’s Summer camp guide Editor: I just wanted to take the time to thank you for the wonderful summer resource guide you published this year. I can’t tell you how many parents came into our business and said what a great source for summer... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Adult literacy volunteers tutors ready to teach Editor: Below is a letter written by a Sonoma Valley learner in the Sonoma County Library Adult Literacy Program. One of the library’s core services is providing adults who want to improve their literacy skills with a trained... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Loves big ideas Editor: What a terrific article in The Sun about the mentees and the Big Ideas series. This whole experience makes my daughter, Chalon and me so happy inside and out.  It is a wonderful story of what is possible and the power... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Fan mail for Sun food columnist Editor: Thank you to Kristin for her article! I am the wife of a Station 1 firefighter and I loved her article. So many people in the community don’t realize how hard these guys work, or what their lives... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Stick to the issues Editor: Reading the Sun story about Sonoma Valley Unified School District board’s resolution, I saw a predictable result. It is the board’s responsibility to ensure the welfare and education success of all the students within the school district. So with the... Continue