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Letters To The Editor

Letters to the Editor

Appreciates Sonoma Valley Hospital Editor: Recently, I experienced the services at Sonoma Valley Hospital for a very minor surgery. Even though minor, it seemed to require, in addition to a surgeon and an anesthesiologist, the assistance of some eight nurses, nurses aids and student nurses.... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Readers speak out on affordable housing Editor: California law requires that 20 percent of the funds received by the Community Development Agency be used exclusively for low-income housing development and support.  Moreover, of all housing categories required by the state, Sonoma is deficient in housing... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Do you care? Editor: Last November voters overwhelmingly approved Measure P, which authorized the Sonoma Valley Health Care District to sell $35 million of general obligation bonds for specific uses. It now appears that the district did not fully understand the requirements to gain approval... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Cows not a threat Editor: About cows on the Montini property. I am an artist and have gone out painting where cows are, and cows are very curious and will sometimes come over to see what you are doing, seemingly to critique your painting! So... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Stick to the planEditor: A recent letter writer’s view (see Jan. 2 “Letters to the Editor”) of the issue of the cows and Montini Ranch seems to have been “lost in translation.” The issues are not whether the Montini family made millions, the backyard views... Continue


Thanks good samaritan Editor: Heartfelt thanks to the wonderful young lady who ran after me in the Maxwell Village parking lot, with my wallet I had left on the counter at Rite Aid. She declined a reward, but I will make a donation to a... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Valley issues focus of meeting Editor: Last month, Supervisor Valerie Brown and I decided that it would be beneficial to have a community meeting to discuss general issues in Sonoma Valley, including current crime issues, gangs and a recent sexual assault case that has concerned... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Applauds committee’s decision Editor: As one of the 40 people who attended and spoke at the Ad Hoc Cemetery Committee meeting on Dec. 4, I applaud Councilmember Sebastiani and the rest of the committee for their wise decision to abandon the idea of selling our... Continue

Letters to the Editor

A holiday wish list for our community Editor: We live in an affluent area, but times are tough. Most folks I know are limiting consumption this holiday season and have little money to help local charities and nonprofits. As a Realtor, and from driving through... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Thanks neighbors Editor: This morning as I was out for my daily walk along the bike path that runs from MacArthur Street to Sonoma Meadows and borders the high school campus, there were seven or eight adults involved in picking up litter and trash deposited... Continue