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Letters To The Editor

Letters to the Editor

Applauds committee’s decision Editor: As one of the 40 people who attended and spoke at the Ad Hoc Cemetery Committee meeting on Dec. 4, I applaud Councilmember Sebastiani and the rest of the committee for their wise decision to abandon the idea of selling our... Continue

Letters to the Editor

A holiday wish list for our community Editor: We live in an affluent area, but times are tough. Most folks I know are limiting consumption this holiday season and have little money to help local charities and nonprofits. As a Realtor, and from driving through... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Thanks neighbors Editor: This morning as I was out for my daily walk along the bike path that runs from MacArthur Street to Sonoma Meadows and borders the high school campus, there were seven or eight adults involved in picking up litter and trash deposited... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Enjoy Sonoma this holiday season Editor: I used to love to get up early, in fact, in my youth, the novelty of midnight sales was irresistible. Now, however, I savor the sanity of a leisurely post-Thanksgiving morning, followed by the ease, convenience and fun of... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Cat and owner are victims Editor: As one who believes that animals as well as humans have a right to be free of torture, mistreatment, or painfully inflicted death, I was outraged when I read of a cat, Jake, living in Temelec, who was shot... Continue


Angry yet hopeful Editor: As an almost 50-year-old, married, heterosexual male, I want to apologize personally to all gay and lesbian Californians for the bigotry and narrow-mindedness demonstrated by my fellow California voters this week in passing Proposition 8. For the first time in memory,... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Disagrees with ‘Just Joan’ The following letter to Joan Huguenard was also sent to The Sun. Joan: This refers to your “Just Joan” column in the Sun on October 23: You are very much wrong in your self-congratulatory report on the “Understanding the Roots of... Continue

Letters to the Editor

No on P, Yes on health Editor: Proposition P is just another costly measure to keep people tied to the idea that they are going to be sick. We do not need to build more facilities to house the sick. Instead the hospital should put... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Creek restoration in compliance Editor: Since 2001 I have participated in many creek restoration projects in the Sonoma Valley watershed. I have worked successfully with hundreds of landowners, the Sonoma Land Trust, several County agencies and the Department of Fish and Game. I am proud... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Wants NO on 8 Editor: Over 125 California Newspapers, including conservative icons like the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Stockton Record, Fresno Bee, and Bakersfield, have strongly recommend a NO vote on Prop 8. Not one single newspaper in California has endorsed the measure. Yet, our... Continue