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Letters To The Editor

Letters to the Editor

Readers weigh in on Proposition 8 Editor: The Yes on 8 proponents are using scare tactics by proposing resulting dangers to religious organizations. Proposition 8 is not about religious marriage, but about civil marriage, which should be available, by our government, to all citizens. The... Continue

Letters to the Editor

SMART train good for Sonoma Valley Editor: I take significant issue with your editorial opposing Measure Q to fund the SMART train. Although we in the Sonoma Valley may not have direct access to the train, it is a critical element to the overall transportation... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Measure P still needed Editor: After the cliffhanger caused by the state budget delays, I was pleased that the design-build legislation authored by Sen. Wiggins in favor of Sonoma Valley Hospital has at last been signed into law by Gov. Schwarzenegger. The new law allows... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Women should consider vote carefully Editor: To Democratic women: Rabidly pro-life, opponent of sex education in the schools, stem cell research, equal rights for gays and environmental protection. Killer of animals with high-powered rifles from planes. Hillary? No. Barack, with whom Hillary agreed on most... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Boys & Girls Club needs continued city support Editor: Our community thrives because of the many partnerships formed over the years among public agencies, nonprofit organizations, private companies, community groups, families, residents and visitors to our beautiful valley. The Boys & Girls Club, more than... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Take action Editor: I’m going to Reno next weekend, and I’m not gambling. I’m not playing the slots, and I’m not leaving our country’s future to chance. I don’t want to gamble on the possibility that we might have another four years of preemptive war,... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Favors public school uniforms Editor: The dress code at the public school is ridiculous. No blue, red or tops below the armpits? Exactly who measures the tops? Does the dress code truly help alleviate gang identifications? Do you not think that these kids are smart... Continue

Letters to the Editor

School district wrong on color ban Editor: I am a mother of a sixth-grade boy at Sonoma Charter School and a very involved parent, as I was at Prestwood when he attended K-3. While I am very aware of the gang problem in Sonoma and... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Clarification on LBAM Editor: There is an error that needs to be pointed out in the story entitled, “Moth #3 appears, just as CDFA calls off twist tie program” by Bonnie Durrance in the Aug. 21 Sun. The reporter claims that, “Twist ties, laced only... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Advice on giving Editor: One of my boyhood movie idols inspired me to write. In the Aug. 11 issue of Newsweek, Kirk Douglas wrote an essay entitled, “What Old Age Taught Me.” Douglas, turning 92 in December, among other topics, addressed his deep depression, which... Continue