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Letters To The Editor

Letters to the Editor

Letter Response Editor: I totally support a recent letter writer and his comments in his letter to the editor of May 8th, 2008.  I do not understand how your paper can continue to print Just Joan’s columns filled with a one-sided anti-Israel attitude without allowing equal... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Ideas for City Council Editor: City Council “To Do” List: 1) A rock-solid manufactured home condo conversion ordinance. 2) An updated certified housing element. 3) Ground breaking on a low cost/low rent apartment complex. We could and you should do this by the end of... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Supervisor says No on 98; Yes on 99 Dear Editor: On June 3, I urge all Sonoma Valley residents to vote NO on Proposition 98 and YES on Proposition 99. Let me explain why. In Sonoma County our mobile home parks provide wonderful affordable housing... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Film festival a major community asset Editor: The Sonoma Valley Film Festival just concluded its 11th run here in our fine city.  The films were phenomenal, many of the film venues were at full capacity and local businesses were buzzing with activity throughout the long... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Honesty is healthy Editor: Why would residents of our community support the hospital district when it appears that the individuals responsible for the planning and operation of our facility appear to act in the same manner as those who got us into the current mortgage... Continue

Letters to the Editor

No on F was right vote Editor: When will it stop? How many millions of dollars will the tax payers of Sonoma be asked to shell out to bail out the hospital? How many millions of dollars has the hospital spent (wasted) on architectural drawings... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Lower Carinalli price Editor: The Hospital Board should ensure that any purchase of the Carinalli site is only transacted after a judicious, prudent and successful renegotiation resulting in a multi-million dollar price reduction. The present option for $10 million, which is way overpriced in this... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Senators not doing their jobs Editor: It’s hard to understand why we are paying our senators a most generous salary and a fantastic retirement package when they never seem to be in Washington doing their job. Instead, they are running around the country (at our... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Helping the Sonoma Developmental Center Editor: We’re having our annual fundraiser at the end of this month. It’s a vital event for us so we’re concerned that everyone understands our mission.  Sonoma Developmental Center provides comprehensive residential, vocational, educational, clinical, medical, recreational and other services... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Why was Principal Philpot ‘given the boot’? Editor: After recovering from the shock and dismay of hearing Micaela Philpot tendered her resignation at the request of Barbara Young, the outgoing School Superintendent, I sent the following letter to the Board of Trustees: When you search... Continue