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Letters To The Editor

Letters to the Editor

More tips = better service? Editor: I, as a long time friend and co-bartender to Craig Browne, feel exactly the same, regarding Mr. Scanlon’s tip policy. Our first duty was to our employers and their customers. Where did Mr. Scanlon come up with the idea... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Our rights and our neighborhood Editor: Recently, SVH board member Bill Boerum stated that the proposed “In the Neighborhood” hospital campus on the Carinalli property would improve our neighborhood. Assuming Mr. Boerum speaks on behalf of the board, I have requested clarification of his comment... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Pandora’s box revisited Editor: Living directly across the street from the hospital, my family and I have more than just a casual interest in the future hospital’s site selection. Over the past ten years, we’ve put up with semis idling at 4 a.m., hospital employees... Continue

Letters to the Editor

$200 million, but who’s counting? Editor: The latest construction cost estimate for Sonoma’s proposed “medical campus” is a staggering $200 million, minimum. Who on the hospital board is qualified to oversee such a project? The current hospital continues floundering. A suggestion was made at the... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Keeping Valley teens safe Editor: Teen Safe Ride has been serving the Sonoma Valley for almost 15 years. Teen Safe Ride makes sure that any teen in the valley does not have to ride home in an impaired state or with someone else who is not... Continue

Letters to the Editor

In praise of our City Council Dear Editor: “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in“- Greek proverb. The Sonoma City Council took a step towards greatness when they voted unanimously to pay Council members... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Local taxes and how they’re spent Editor: The letter (Nov. 29) suggesting the City of Sonoma couldn’t afford to exist without the County of Sonoma created a perfect opportunity for me to share some information about local taxes and how they are spent. While the... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Keep your kitties inside Editor: My condolences to the recent letter-writer whose pet cat was hit by a car. Sadly, keeping his cat inside or otherwise under control could have prevented this loss. Cats should no more be allowed to roam than dogs are. The... Continue

Letters to the Editor

What to throw away and what not to Editor: First I thoroughly enjoy Kathleen Hill’s home and garden column, however this week I am compelled to clear a couple of things up about one of my favorite subjects, municipal collection of yard waste and its... Continue

Letters to the Editor

When will our children’s education be important? Editor: I teach economics at the high school, and I asked all my students who have paying jobs how many of them could get by with a 57 percent cut in wages. I also asked if they thought... Continue