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Letters To The Editor

Letters to the Editor

Roosters giving people insomnia Editor: While I feel sympathy for Mrs. Proctor and her hens, I fully understand and support the ban on roosters in residential neighborhoods. Study after study has shown sleep is vitally important to both mental and physical health. The crowing of roosters enters... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Broadway site was uncertain Editor:The agreements offered by the Broadway site owners did not fully bind the Mary Zepponi Trust land for either use or purchase by the Hospital. But because of counter claims by those that stood to benefit financially from the sale, I... Continue

Letters to the Editor

A plea for the past and the chickens among us Editor: What has happened to our famous and feral El Verano chickens? I know one thing that is happening-it is trying to happen to me with my pet chickens which are special buddies and my... Continue

Letters to the Editor

A new way to donate Editor: Donors Choose is a Web site on which teachers can submit proposals for materials or projects they want for their classrooms. Potential donors can search the proposals and fully or partially fund them. Teachers at Flowery currently have six... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Plaza a religious experience Editor: I don't know all the motives of the individuals who brought the creche proposal forward. The notion that it is not about the crèche or Christianity, but something for all faiths to embrace and participate in, seems either disingenuous or... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Crèche on government property vs. private property Editor: Having the crèche displayed on the plaza downtown makes an official statement that this is a Christian community. If it is displayed on a church lawn, then that is just the church doing what churches do and... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Community Center explains decision Editor: As has been reported, the Sonoma Community Center recently withdrew its request for funding from the City of Sonoma in its “Tier 1” or sustained funding program. This was a difficult decision and it was not taken lightly. However, we... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Questions hospital coalition’s arguments against retrofitting Editor: While the public rests its hopes on the formation of the recent Joint Powers Authority to save the hospital, the hospital was losing over $500,000 in May, almost $250,000 in June and around $30,000 in July. The recent... Continue

Letters to the Editor

‘Inhumane label’ warrants sanctuary status Editor: Regarding Kate Williams' Springs column "When a sanctuary becomes a trap," my response is simple. Those who live daily with the inhumane label of "illegal" deserve sanctuary. Suzanna Bon Limited scope for refuge resolution Editor: The goal of our... Continue

Page on board, to be roasted

submitted photo Ken Brown (left) and John McEndy prepare to roast Steve Page Steve Page, Sonoma resident and President of Infineon Raceway, has been named to the Board of Directors of Sonoma Valley Bancorp. Founded in 1988, Sonoma Valley Bank is publicly owned, with its... Continue