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Letters To The Editor

Letters to the Editor

Misses Shann Nix Editor: What happened to the Wales Farm Diary? I miss Shann Nix and her column so much! I can’t find her on the Web either. I looked forward to her columns - any help in finding her musings would be much appreciated.... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Looks forward to the Sun Editor: I am not much of an e-mailer, but I wanted you to know that we look forward to receiving the Sun each week and in particular enjoy the articles by Larry Barnett, Donna Hays and Kathleen Hill. We are... Continue

Letters to the Editor

People left out of article Editor: Regarding George Webber’s March 22 article about archaeologist Breck Parkman, I would like to thank George for drawing attention to the Indian Memorial at the Mission. Those of us who worked very hard to make this happen really appreciate... Continue

Letters to the Editor

hrift shops need subsidized rent Editor: The closing of both the Goodwill and the Salvation Army thrift stores is a great loss to Sonoma. I do not blame the property owners for wanting to get a fair price for their investment. But it was because... Continue

Letters to the Editor

It’s not a jazz festival Editor: I believe that the name of the Memorial Day weekend festival should be changed to “Sonoma Music Plus,” because a jazz festival it is not! Don’t get me wrong. I do appreciate the substantial yearly donation that the folk... Continue

Letters to the Editor

‘Obstacle’ tree killed Sharpe Editor: Not to take away from your March 1 editorial, but the piece you did on David Sharpe’s accident contained some information that I don’t feel is correct. My friends and I witnessed that accident, and we don’t believe he did... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Valley needs another VOM Saloon Editor: Loved the article “Remembering the Valley of the Moon Saloon” by Donna Hays! As I am sure J.M. Berry would contend, it is a shame that the valley has no place for its plethora of musicians to jam. Young... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Movie-pitch article hilarious Editor: Many thanks for sharing such a hilarious article about “pitching” a movie idea! I too, have an idea for a possible movie screenplay that could be great. (At least I think so!) Hats off to you, Lisa Summers, for making me... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Council ‘myopic’ on Iraq Editor: I am dismayed by the failure of our councilmembers to refuse to act on Ken Brown’s resolution on the war in Iraq. Two of these members proclaimed that they did not have enough information to make a decision. I would... Continue

Letters to the Editor

Coalition says yes on Measure B Editor: Before unanimously urging a “yes” vote on the parcel tax, the Sonoma Valley Health Care Coalition looked at the facts. Here’s what we found: No parcel tax means no emergency room. Our ER handles 10,000 visits each year... Continue