It is not an accident that Sonoma County remains geographically and racially separated, even in its schools, which remain as segregated as pre-civil rights era southern schools. Segregation today is the lasting legacy of federal, state, and local housing policies from the last century —... Continue
Letters To The Editor
The Commission on Human Rights would like to express not only our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of David Ward, but additionally include our solidarity in seeking justice for the wrongful killing of Mr. Ward. As reported by the Press Democrat on February... Continue
Four hundred cannabis stakeholders have sent [State Senator Mike McGuire] a request to eliminate or curb their taxes. What is at stake here? Prop. 64 was voted in because it promised to not only fully fund the cost of the industry but generate extra state... Continue
At [Tuesday's Sonoma Valley Unified School District] school board meeting there were more comments about censuring a trustee than about the report of how few of our students can actually read proficiently. The most devastating, abysmal, hands-down depressing data was presented about how only 34.3%... Continue
As a parent of three kids in Sonoma Valley schools, I’ve watched in horror as the school district’s leadership is consumed with infighting, while principals, teachers, staff, and kids desperately need their support to make it through this interminable pandemic. The much publicized drama centers... Continue
Sonoma Valley Unified School District Trustee John Kelly doesn’t seem to know when it’s time to do the right thing. If his alleged allegations against superintendent Palazuelos and other school board members plotting against parents has any merit, he should’ve stood up and objected right... Continue
It’s widely understood that the Board of Supervisors and Santa Rosa City Council are pro-cannabis. However, the latest push by marijuana operators to eliminate and/or decrease their business taxes is out of bounds. And the fact that the supervisors wasted no time in placing it... Continue
I served on the County Cannabis Advisory Group (CAG) in 2017-2018 as a neighborhood “rep” and had a lot of interaction with industry reps. Having read about mega grow operations near Palm Springs and other areas in the south as well as large operations in... Continue
The cannabis industry continues to whine because they are burdened with regulation and taxes. So now officials are considering lowering or eliminating taxes. Our state and local governments rushed to enact pot ordinances because of the lure of easy money, i.e. greed, in the form... Continue
We [at Pets Lifeline] recently heard the concerns of many of you regarding a stray male dog that was brought into our facility on January 15, 2022. After reviewing the comments on social media, it became very clear there is a lot of misinformation and... Continue