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Letters To The Editor

Cannabis growers don’t merit a ‘tax holiday’

The cannabis industry continues to whine because they are burdened with regulation and taxes. So now officials are considering lowering or eliminating taxes. Our state and local governments rushed to enact pot ordinances because of the lure of easy money, i.e. greed, in the form... Continue

Pets Lifeline responds to concerns over homeless dog

We [at Pets Lifeline] recently heard the concerns of many of you regarding a stray male dog that was brought into our facility on  January 15, 2022. After reviewing the comments on social media, it became very clear there is a lot of  misinformation and... Continue

A tax holiday for the cannabis industry

Many people are not aware that the Board of Supervisors on 1/25/22 gave the cannabis industry a tax holiday. Our Supervisors will revisit this gift in April when the holiday expires. Why did our Supervisors grant this delay? The so-called “legacy” growers are complaining they... Continue

Cannabis tax boon is all smoke 

The cannabis industry sold our Board of Supervisors on the fiction that legally grown cannabis would generate abundant taxes. On that basis, the Supervisors approved Measure A, “ fund essential county services such as addressing industry impacts, public safety, fire, health, housing, roads, and environmental... Continue

Let’s have a trial period for leashed dogs on the Plaza

With Dr. Rhonda Stallings of Arroyo Veterinary Hospital, I was a co-founder of SVDOG and a former president.  I “retired” from SVDOG several years ago and Rich Lee is currently president.  Like other organizations SVDOG (Sonoma Valley Dog Owners and Guardians) has understandably, and in... Continue

State officials must engage on SDC transfer

This is to augment Teri Shore’s great column in the recent Index Tribune Close to Home section. I am so glad she referred to an old mentor of mine, Bill Kortum. Many of us miss his stalwart support for improving and protecting Sonoma County. For Teri’s... Continue

Sonoma Mountain Preservation group weighs in on SDC

(The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors) has an opportunity to think big with SDC on January 25 by focusing on climate-resilient and democracy-supporting decisions. Rather than proceeding with a Specific Plan and EIR for urban housing infill and hotel, designed to pay for the State’s... Continue

Taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize the Cannabis Industry

Recently, the cannabis industry has been lobbying the State and County for tax reductions. They claim the recent drop in prices make cultivation and manufacturing taxes unaffordable. Before granting tax relief, let’s review how the industry arrived at this point, the real problem and if... Continue

Area advisory panel demands new SDC plan

The North Sonoma Valley Municipal Advisory Council (NSVMAC), an official but non-binding panel that reports to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, rejects the current plans for the Sonoma Developmental Center. "None of the current alternatives reflect the many environmental constraints on the site, nor... Continue