An open letter to the Sonoma Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees by Renea Magnani, president of Valley of the Moon Teachers Association Recently, the Valley of the Moon Teachers Association conducted a survey to gather the opinions of the educator members with regard to... Continue
Letters To The Editor
I want to offer a little historical perspective to our name change discussion. I returned to the Presidency of the Museum in the Spring of 2011 and during strategic planning sessions, I suggested the name Sonoma Art Museum. That name was quickly shot down... Continue
I am a founding member of the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art and have been involved in the past with many annual fundraisers and more recently, the creation of the Museum Gift Shop. In the last two years, I am totally overwhelmed with the talent... Continue
The Board of Directors of the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art has called for a special meeting of its membership to approve their desire to change the name of the museum. They advise that they have spent much time and effort since early last year... Continue
Dear Sonoma School Board Members, Sonoma Valley Community and Concerned Parties: I read an (Sonoma Index Tribune) article on April 2, 2018 headlined 'Sonoma Teachers union express concern over Superintendent pick.' To say I am shocked would be an understatement. My initial response and comment to the... Continue
Recent news that Sonoma County’s overall health ranking has fallen to No. 7 in the state, down two places from last year in a state-wide health survey, should concern us all. More alarming was the Sonoma County Department of Health Services’ January 2018 report noting... Continue
I was present at the City Council meeting last evening (4/9) and I would publicly like to commend and acknowledge the three strong women of our City Council, Ms. Harrington, Mayor Agrimonte and Ms. Hundley. Common sense and strong leadership have finally prevailed in our... Continue
The owners of two proposed cannabis grows in Bennett Valley are violating environmental or planning laws while the county allows them to continue to grow their lucrative crops. California Fish and Wildlife has determined that a grower on Matanzas Creek Lane has polluted and diverted... Continue
Recently, I was heartened to see signs reading "Sonoma County Sustainable" on the edges of some valley vineyards. I looked it up online and saw that the Group Sonoma County Winegrowers have launched a campaign to "Become the first 100% sustainable wine region in the... Continue
What if we had a rally and more than 500 people showed up? That is what happened on March 24 in Sonoma when the Sonoma Valley Democrats hosted the Sonoma Valley March for Our Lives Rally. Our goal was to stand in solidarity with marches... Continue