Honoring the passing of Teresa Rousseau MFT who left us on Solstice. A champion for indigenous teaching, wisdom and rights of native people. A friend, consultant and companion to a large world of local people. A super Mom, vital ceremonialist and reverent reminder to our... Continue
Letters To The Editor
My husband and I are fairly new to Sonoma County, we purchased the most beautiful retirement home in July in Glen Ellen. We were enjoying the wine country life, settling in, making friends and having visitors. On that fateful October day we had such fun... Continue
A little fact checking on your claim about “out of city” seats is in order (Sun editorial). Do your job. There is no requirement to have an out-of-city member of the Planning Commission. That is why our experience and very competent City Attorney Jeff Walter... Continue
Over the past 10+ years water retailers have been encouraged by State Agencies, The Governor and numerous Commissions and Councils to implement tiered rate structures to encourage conservation through progressively increasing rate structures. A majority of the over 400 water retailers throughout the State did... Continue
A modest proposal for rebuilding (with apologies to Jonathan Swift) Reader Opinion by Jonah Raskin As Sonoma County gets ready to rebuild its burned-out neighborhoods I would like to make a modest proposal: that no regulations whatsoever be imposed on builders, contractors, plumbers, electricians, carpenters... Continue
A letter from Dan Muelrath, General Manager of the Valley of the Moon Water District, which supplies customers in areas other than the City of Sonoma. Over the past 10+ years water retailers have been encouraged by State Agencies, The Governor and numerous Commissions and... Continue
La Luz Center has evolved from primarily providing support services for health, financial security and education to an agile organization capable of quickly responding to a range of new client challenges such as Affordable Care Act enrollment, DACA renewal, threats of deportation and new immigration... Continue
The fires that ravaged the North Bay have certainly left indelible memories on all of who lived through that experience. The rush of emotions, chaos, and lack of information fed more than just the fires. Where do we go? How much time do we have?... Continue
By Tennis Wick, Director, Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Department In the aftermath of the fire, Sonoma County faces an unprecedented need for housing and economic development. Permit Sonoma is changing the way we do business to meet this challenge. Please know this profound... Continue
The release of the tax reform plan by the Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives has caused the Washington spin machine to go into overdrive. For taxpayers there is much to like, including across-the-board tax rate reductions, doubling of the standard deduction and significant... Continue