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Letters To The Editor

Hospital land sale would be short-sighted choice

A letter to members of the Sonoma Valley Hospital District Board: I am writing to express my strong support for the Community Option for the SV Hospital south lot. This is the time you must be your higher selves in creating a lasting vision for... Continue

Appalled by ‘Indian’ parade entry

I am an enrolled citizen of the Confederated Tribes Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw. Ever since my daughter was very young, we visit the 4th of July parade. In the past it has always been a fun experience. This year I was horrified and disappointed... Continue

State budget is full of tricks, questions

California voters are pretty good at figuring out what is going in the state capital when it hits them directly. For example, recent polling shows that citizen awareness of the $5.2 billion annual gas and car tax is very high and, incidentally, very negative. But... Continue

Infill housing and the climate tipping point

Dear Editor, After attending the hearing on the appeal of the certification of the EIR for the proposed Chateau Sonoma Hotel, I think it’s important to clarify the concept of infill, city centered development as it relates to environmental impacts. The two benefits of infill... Continue

SVH Board Chair on parcel tax passage, future operations

I know I speak for the board and hospital administration when I say we’re extremely grateful to our community for passing the parcel tax, to the volunteer committee which ran such a strong campaign and the donors who supported it. We have a great hospital... Continue

Don’t leave dogs in hot cars

I am fairly new to Sonoma and love it, but I am concerned how many dogs are left in cars in parking lots here. It was hard to watch when the weather was not as hot, but now it is very dangerous. Just two days... Continue

Did hospital board learn lesson?

I certainly hope the SVH Board got the message during this second effort to pass the Parcel Tax for the hospital. We expect much more from their oversight of SVH operations. Salaries are top heavy, and some SVH departments are simply not well enough utilized... Continue

Summer message from Mentoring Alliance

This is great time of year! We get to see our amazing Senior Mentees graduate high school and move onto their next chapter. We are so proud to have watched all of your grow with your Mentors through your years with the Mentoring Alliance. We... Continue

Rain dampens Springs event

Looks like the thunderstorm last Sunday pretty much cancelled the Springs Festival we had been all looking forward to. The first half an hour before the rain looked promising, and it was so good to see friends and talk to people in the booths. Hope... Continue