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Letters To The Editor

The reality of the no-name hotel

Listening to Planning Director David Goodison, whom it’s rumored has been in the Planning Department since the days of Mariano Vallejo, has been compared to verbal water-boarding. City Planning-speak, comprehensible by less than .0001% of people on Earth and all life forms in the universe,... Continue

Will be marching on April 29

I have been angry, I have marched. Attacks on women, people of color, immigrants; yes I got mad, yes I marched and yes I gave money to ACLU, Planned Parenthood, La Luz. Today I am beyond mad. Every one of these Trump actions made me... Continue

Opposes hotel in downtown Sonoma

I want to voice opposition to a complex on the plaza that includes a 62-room hotel, parking for 115 cars, and an 80-seat restaurant. The additional cars, pedestrians, delivery trucks, not to mention months of construction, will overwhelm our beloved plaza and change the character... Continue

In support of Measure E

As a 38-year resident of Sonoma Valley, a former Emergency Room registered nurse, and founder of a local non-profit, I know how important Sonoma Valley Hospital is to our community’s livelihood. I also know how important it is to have an E.R. close by. The... Continue

Backlash against new car and gas taxes? Just wait

If Gov. Brown and members of the California Legislature think that the backlash against the car and gas tax increases will subside any time soon, they are mistaken. The controversy continues to dominate both traditional and social media and, in fact, the more that taxpayers... Continue

Tripling of car tax is bad policy, bad politics

Writing in 2007, Los Angeles Times editorial writer Robert Greene stated, the defining issue of the 2003 recall was Gov. Gray Davis’ tripling of the car tax, more officially known as the vehicle license fee. The defining issue of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s successful campaign to unseat... Continue

Sonoma for sale to the highest bidder?

I attended the city council meeting regarding the First Street East Project and was very interested in what the gentleman had to say about our sewer system. Seems to me that this is a serious concern and should be addressed before anything else gets built.... Continue

SV Hospital is a gem

I write again to give all the people connected with Sonoma Valley Hospital sincere compliments. Recently I was there with a patient for a simple surgical procedure. The staff was excellent, both in knowledge and service. From the admission receptionist, to the volunteer who wheeled... Continue

Springs highway and traffic plan

After the latest center turning lane has been installed, from Encina Way to Agua Caliente Road, I think traffic flow has definitely improved from the previous condition (pre-center turning lane) except for stubborn people that still park illegally on the bike lanes. I have always... Continue

Fees and regulations — are farms getting their money’s worth?

The Farm Bureau is now celebrating its 100 year anniversary in Sonoma County, a very impressive accomplishment. The milestone has led me to think about regulations, licenses and fees in our industry. Back then, licenses and fees were almost nonexistent. Even when my father Warren started... Continue