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Letters To The Editor

Some Thoughts About Voting Green This Year

Like many progressive-minded folks I was excited about Bernie Sanders’ campaign and I voted for him in the primary. Since then many Bernie supporters have sworn they will never vote for Hillary Clinton and will vote instead for Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate. Unless... Continue

New taxes: Is coffee the new gold standard?

Since 1971, the United States has been off the gold standard. Instead of the value of the dollar being defined in terms of gold, our currency is said to be backed by “The full faith and credit of the United States.” However, listening to politicians,... Continue

Yes on V

Does it make sense to dismiss an issue because, “There are more important things to worry about,” as often is the default position for some Sonoma residents? If I were not a woman I might think there are more important things to worry about than... Continue

False claims about leaf blower ordinance

Editor: Recently, a member of CALM, the group seeking to retain the city ordinance banning gas-powered leaf blowers, submitted a letter to the editor detailing the multiple health hazards to landscape workers of using leaf blowers, especially the combustion engine versions.  This is all scientifically... Continue

Not the first ‘Spring Festival’

As someone who has been living and actively engaged in community affairs in the Springs for 26 years, I’m writing to correct a significant inaccuracy in Susan Gorin’s August 18 column. She claims that the upcoming Springs Festival will be “the first ever.” This is not... Continue

County Farm Bureau: Vote no on M

I am confident that many civic-minded citizens are aware that election season is now building toward November 8, the last day to participate. California is one of 26 states, 18 of which lie west of the Mississippi River, that also allow for initiative rights for... Continue

Blower ban supporters unite!

Those of us in Newton MA who have been battling for an ordinance to limit the use of gas leaf blowers welcome the fine letter from Sonoma CALM in support of the ban on gas leaf blowers. But there's one caveat: electric blowers are quieter... Continue

“Long time patrons” of the Music Festival?

The "long time patrons" they are referring to as the cause of cancellation... Are these people locals to the geographic area or was this event catering to attendees expected from out of the area? How many tickets were sold? How many were expected to be... Continue

About the canceled Cohn Music Festival

It's a pity that Sonoma can not set up an outdoor entertainment venue for all ticket holders to enjoy the event. Last year the venue was a nightmare for standard ticket holders who actually wanted to see the performances in person and not on side... Continue