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Letters To The Editor

Kenwood resort will add to housing emergency

It looks as if the new luxury resort in Kenwood is going to be built. The resort is just the tip of the iceberg, since a winery with a tasting room and 20 annual events, restaurant, retail store, and development of at least a dozen... Continue

City Manager recruitment needs public participation

Something important was missing from the winning proposal from headhunting firm Peckham and McKenney, chosen by city council last week to find Sonoma’s next city manager: public participation in the process. But it’s not too late for council to fix this oversight. There are a couple... Continue

Who is the real racist?

A few landscapers have tried to make the case that to oppose gas-powered leaf blowers is somehow tantamount to discriminating against Latino garden workers. Actually, it’s the landscape companies that are discriminating against their workers by ignoring the health dangers of the continual use of... Continue

Laughter and Tears — Relay for Life

It is Relay time of year again. I will again be participating in The Relay for Life event to raise money to find a cure for cancer. The event will be held at The Presentation School on August 27-28, from 1 p.m. to 10 a.m.... Continue

High marks for School District

Editor: It’s important to remember that great work is being done overall in our public schools. In particular, this year has been a strong one for SVUSD, because both governmental and commercial measures indicate our schools are having increasing levels of success.  For instance, US News &... Continue

The ‘Mind-boggling demise’ of Maxwell Park

Maxwell Park Now Open for Camping, Fires, Drinking, and Free Hypodermic Needles. If only I were joking. Where are the park rangers? Where are the police officers? Why isn’t anything being done to correct the demise of this beautiful park? The obvious use by drug... Continue

Recapturing the soul and spirit of a community

Sonoma is experiencing a crisis of losing it's very soul. I administrate a local Facebook group with over 4,600 members where we share memories of the Sonoma we all grew up in, a Sonoma that spans multiple generations. There is something else that is shared:... Continue

Letter: ‘My son was bullied’

My son was also bullied at Sonoma Valley High. He suffers from depression and low self esteem and the bullies were quick to move in on him as an easy target. He has not become suicidal but instead offers a cold sarcastic front for the... Continue

Compliments Sun’s Food Action Plan article

I am writing to commend the Sun and Fred Allebach for the recent article “Update: County’s Food Action Plan is failing to address inequality.”  Mr. Allenbach highlights the very real challenges that groups like the Food System Alliance have in moving the needle on food... Continue