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Letters To The Editor

No hospital bond in November

In a letter to the editor (July 7, 2016), Jerry Marino refers to a $10 million bond for the hospital appearing on the November ballot. I'd like to point out that this is not accurate. No bond has been proposed for Sonoma Valley Hospital this... Continue

Help others, help ourselves

Sonoma Overnight Support extends a heartfelt thank you to the Sun Editorial Board for the June 23 editorial “The Price of Desperation.” Your thoughtful assessment of the homeless predicament and your support for the safe parking option gives us hope. We also wish to thank... Continue

Protecting a legacy of open space

This year we have the chance to advance the most important greenbelt policy protections in Sonoma County in decades. On July 19 the Board of Supervisors will vote on renewing voter protections for community separators with a ballot measure on November 8, 2016. They will... Continue

Letter: Supports overnight parking for homeless

Thank you Sonoma Valley Sun for being a voice of reason and compassion regarding this stupid and ridiculous non-decision on the part of our City Council. Sonoma Overnight Support is doing so much on so little and addressing an issue so many people pretend does not... Continue

Note to Council: Reverse blower ban or else

Dear Council Members: As you know the issue is coming before you again Monday night. You can save all the residents money by reversing your decision. We got over 1,200 signatures in less than three weeks and one week being Easter week. We did not submit all signatures that... Continue

Restaurants vs. housing in Sonoma

While the economy is strong, there are numerous potential intrusions of commercial interests threatening the tranquility and quiet enjoyment of our residential neighborhoods. The focus of our First Street West neighborhood group is now the threat forming of a restaurant being installed in the Cooperage,... Continue

The cost of free speech?

Okay, Stan Pappas, doesn’t like “political correctness” (Letters 5/26) and then proceeds with the usual lame litany of put-downs of “Liberal politicians” and anything attributed to progressive thinking. He wants to be “free” to spout his likes and dislikes and ideas about leaf blowers, Obama,... Continue

Broadway housing plan not the answer

We need affordable housing in Sonoma, no question. There is a right way and a wrong way to accomplish that. Because the City has not been doing its job and requiring developers to include low-cost housing in new projects over the last 10 years, officials... Continue