No one is against affordable housing. The people at do not spread misinformation. Take off your sunglasses and read the site sometime. The original purchase of this small property was to create housing for the workforce (example: teachers, nurses, waitresses), a “Workforce” comprising of... Continue
Letters To The Editor
I have resided in the Springs most of my life, along with living in our neighboring towns that are included in our 1st supervisor district. My husband and I have raised six children in the springs, and we feel a profound loyalty to Gina Cuclis... Continue
We are lucky to have many capable leaders who want to represent us in Sacramento. Serving as your congressman in Washington, there’s a lot of coordination and overlap required to make sure that policies decided in our state and national capitals work in harmony and... Continue
Susan Gorin is working on many Sonoma County issues, too numerous to list in this letter. We feel she works hard and is extremely competent and caring. We have attended meetings and have been following the progress on a feof the issues, here in the First... Continue
Susan Gorin is the most experienced and best-prepared candidate for First District Supervisor. Don't believe me? Take a look at a partial list of her public service: She is a 1991 Sonoma State graduate cum laude with degrees in Political Science and Economics. She has... Continue
We have all heard discussions about why some Democrats and Republicans vote against what seems to be in their best interest based upon their demographics. To this point I ask for those voting for First District supervisor and live in Sonoma Valley to consider not... Continue
I’m asking you to vote for my friend Mariko Yamada. I have known Mariko for almost 20 years and know her to be an honest and hard-working public servant as well as a person with the utmost integrity. I’ve been involved in politics for 50... Continue
Some say that political correctness is basically having good manners. That’s garbage. My mother taught me my manners. I don’t need any Liberal politician to tell me about good manners. Watch what you say, be careful not to offend anyone, any race, any religion, our... Continue
I am supporting Mariko Yamada in her bid for the California State Senate, District 3. Mariko is a fearless advocate for all of us, and she demonstrated that fact over and over again when she represented us in the state assembly for six years. But... Continue
Environmental protection for the Bay is important but this tax is grossly unfair. The Bay is a resource that should be protected by the state, not just by property owners in the region.If Bay protection is so important, why doesn’t the State of California spend... Continue