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Letters To The Editor

Fiorina stands tall

A few weeks ago, I watched a TV interview with a presidential candidate unlike any other, past or present: Leadership savvy and guts. A first-class mind. Strong and secure. Articulate and concise. Executive management experience and temperament. An exception to career politicians and crony capitalists... Continue

Government should stay out of private transactions

[caption id="attachment_45229" align="aligncenter" width="420"] (Photo Credit: Cory Maylett, CC BY SA 3.0)[/caption] When did we start thinking it’s OK for the government to get between you and another private citizen conducting a transaction involving your own private property? We bemoan lost tax revenue and safety... Continue

Let bright colors reign!

Thank to Rico Martin the drive up Highway 12 through Boyes Hot Springs is no longer drab, dreary and dull!  I love the brightly painted store fronts  or business signs which bring a smile to my face every time I pass them.  I hope other business owners will... Continue

Smear job?

I like bright colors. I like the paint job on the PlainJane's/ La Michocana building.  I also believe that people who don't like it have the right to their opinion. They have the right to express their opinions to the business owners and the County Supervisor with-out being... Continue

A place of belonging, lost

It has been 10 weeks that the Briar Patch closed its door. For the past 10 years this was my place in Sonoma to enjoy good company and a cup of coffee. Tucked away in the alley, locals had a space to be among their... Continue

Transformation of Springs could be national news

Rico Martin’s designs for The Springs’ business facades are worthy to be featured in any public planning, design or architecture publication. His transformation of the Highway 12 corridor could be national news. His website shows before/after visuals of the buildings’ graphics. They are a... Continue

Lesson from the Golden Gate?

A thought on the kerfluffle about the colorful building facades in the Springs: I suppose painting a bridge between Marin and San Francisco orange was, at the time looked at as breaking the rules of taste? That kinda worked out well. Mara Kahn, Sonoma Continue

SDC is a sacred place

The Sonoma Developmental Center is a sacred place. For decades, the dedicated, caring, highly trained staff have been caring for and assisting some of our most difficult, severely physically and mentally challenged people in our society to live their best life possible. And now the... Continue

Ban it all!

I would like to share my displeasure with the City Council planning to go along with some folks to ban leaf blowers in the city of Sonoma. Thank God I don’t live in the city limits. Isn’t it funny that I live in Temelec at the... Continue

Springs colors ‘brighten my day’

I am sorry to hear that there is controversy around the colorful murals in the Springs. Their whimsical liveliness and vibrancy brighten my day. When I saw first saw them, I thought that they were an inspired way to increase tourism. People drove to Sebastopol... Continue