Last week’s expensive Winegrowers ad on sustainability (“Press Democrat” and elsewhere) offers no proof and no third party verification. The Winegrowers self-assess, thus co-opting and green-washing the word, like fox guarding the chicken coop. Being “sustainable” requires having a triple bottom line: profit, environmental protection,... Continue
Letters To The Editor
After watching the televised City Council meeting on July 20, I would like to share some thoughts before the Council approves any ordinance banning leaf blowers in residential areas – even though a 3-2 “straw poll” favors no leaf blowers in residential areas. 1. As... Continue
I was at a meeting in Occidental when employees of California Department of Fish and Wildlife tried to get property owners along important creeks to commit to stop watering their lawns. They offered to help landowners obtain rainwater catchment systems. In return, Fish and Wildlife... Continue
One of the most common complaints your readers have is the potholed state of our roads, and what to do about them. Unfortunately, their state is part of “planned obsolescence,’ whereby engineers, contractors and union workers get paid to patch and rebuild poorly-designed roads time... Continue
April water use for City of Sonoma residents averages 121 gallons, while the nearby Valley of the Moon Water District residents each use 59 gallons. The state-wide average is 83 gallons per person. Is that because of the more affluent residents using city water? Is it... Continue
Try living in a community in decline due to the conversion of housing to these short-term tourist rental businesses! Glen Ellen’s population has dropped by more than 40 percent since 2000 (Census data, not just my pissed-off take on things). We no longer have a... Continue
The Op-Ed published in The Press Democrat June 16, “Congress Undermines U.S.’s Global Standing,” is misleading propaganda in support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and richest people in the world. The author, Mohamed El-Erian, is the chief economic advisor for Allianz, the third largest asset management firm in... Continue
Dear Editor, I would like to express yet again appreciation to the citizens of Sonoma for a service I received at the Sonoma Valley Hospital and its Emergency Room. On May 31st I visited it for the fifth time in two–and-one-half years. Each visit was for a... Continue
Dear Editor, In college I was introduced to the "Peter Principle,” where a person is promoted to their level of incompetence. So let's apply this concept to leaf blowers, as they have been utilized to a state of "incompetence -- not only are they noisy... Continue
(These comments were initially made to the Sonoma Valley Health District Board of Directors at its recent public meeting). My name is Brian Johnson and I represent a group called Using the Public Records Act, I made several requests for hospital financial records. These... Continue