Editor: Open Letter sent to Mayor Ken Brown The Honorable Ken Brown Mayor, Sonoma, CA 1 The Plaza Sonoma, CA. 95476 Dear Mayor Brown: I would love to be present at the City Council meeting scheduled for Monday, July 2nd; however, a previous commitment keeps... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Editor: My letter is to put out informtion on our local dog parks.The dog parks are open to the public, and everyone has a right to bring their dog. I feel very upset that our local dog parks, Ernie Smith, and the dog park downtown... Continue
Editor: Labor advocates were brilliant in leveraging support for Preserving Sonoma's Hotel Limitation Measure to win promises of living wages for certain hotel workers from Kenwood Investments. Now I hope they'll join forces to pass a city ordinance that would extend the salary scale to... Continue
Editor: The Sonoma Valley Woman’s Club wishes to thank Sonoma Market for its donation of lunchmeat and to Vella Cheese for its donation of cheese for our Games Day Fundraiser March 22, 2013. Due to their generous donations, and the donations of others, the Woman’s... Continue
Editor: I am collecting signatures for the Hotel Limitation Initiative because I grew up in Monterey during urban renewal when the city government knocked down the center of town and left it a vacant lot for 11 years. Several good things came out of that,... Continue
Editor: I have lived in a rural area, suburbia and a big city. I lived in Pleasant Hill, remembering the drive to my grandfather's farm in Walnut Creek to help harvest the walnuts. The travel took us through walnut orchards and pastures. Now, all filled... Continue
Editor:I have been working on how to finesse the notion that there are “facts” with the inescapable reality that no one can sidestep being biased and skewing information one way or another. Global warming is a perfect example of how facts are manipulated to support... Continue
Editor: In my entire adult life, whenever I sought information from my local, state or federal elected representatives, I always got answers to my questions, and never have had to justify why I was asking a question before getting an answer. That is, until now.... Continue
Editor: (This may be better submitted as a column or opinion-piece). IDIOTS ON BICYCLES My first bike was a Firestone, a present for my eighth birthday. It had fat tires, two cross bars, generous handlebars, a broad seat with springs, coaster brakes, a one-speed transmission,... Continue
Editor: Thank you for recognizing what that other newspaper in Sonoma doesn't get, that a visit to the Springs by a member of the state legislature is a rare event. However, your article in the May 2 edition about Assemblywoman Mariko Yamada's visit and tour... Continue