Editor: It's a week since a fire destroyed our home in Boyes Hot Springs. In this thanks-giving season, we find ourselves with much to be thankful for. Our family survived unharmed. The first responders prevented the fire from spreading into our neighborhood. Our insurance company... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Editor: To the Citizens of Sonoma Valley, As a long-time teacher in the Valley and current president of the Valley of the Moon Teachers Association, I would like to give a huge “Thank you!” to those who voted in our recent election to support public... Continue
Editor: I’m not sure who was responsible for last week’s Our View (which featured the Sun’s endorsements in the November 6 election) but I think they’ve definitely earned the keys to the executive washroom. Well done !! I was troubled when I read your first... Continue
Editor: The Operating Engineers Local #3, the largest construction union in California proudly endorses Susan Gorin for 1st District Supervisor. Supervisor Gorin is a strong supporter of infrastructure projects and road maintenance. Given her track record of working with business, labor and environmental groups we... Continue
Editor: GORIN RIGHT STUFF FOR SUPERVISOR Dear Editor: I served on the Santa Rosa City Council with both John Sawyer and Susan Gorin. Though not a resident in the 1st Supervisorial District, I care deeply about the quality of leadership throughout our county. To that... Continue
Editor: I am proud to be on the host committee for a fundraiser supporting both Sonoma City Councilwoman Laurie Gallian and candidate for County Supervisor, Susan Gorin. Both have proven records that offer the best evidence for supporting them. Laurie Gallian has taken her job... Continue
Editor: JOHN SAWYER FOR 1st DISTRICT SUPERVISOR Running for public office is not easy. It’s not for the faint of heart. So I commend both John Sawyer and Susan Gorin – as well as others who have the courage to step up to seek office... Continue
Editor: What a letter. First, the tone: Pay Attention! Sounds like a parent getting a childs attention. Kind of autocratic. Second: It sounds like cronyism. If it was the Supreme court, the word stacking would be used! Made my choice easy! Sorry Mr Cook, nothing... Continue
Editor: What’s really at stake? Prop 30 has become quite famous in recent months, however few people know the risks of passing this specific proposition. Prop 30 suggests that the income tax of those earning $250,000 or more should be taxed at a higher rate,... Continue
Editor:October 8 marked the end of the Sonoma Theatre Alliances Summer Theatre Festival 2012. We are excited to announce that over 4000 tickets were sold to performances this summer. With a population of around 12,000 that means 1/3 of the people here saw something in... Continue