Editor: What happened to your music critic ? Suddely his column has just disappeared ? Frankly I found his taste in music rather trendy and not especially to my liking. Last December he recommended a few Christmas CDs I would never buy as my taste... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Editor: Will you actually publish anything? Anything, without questioning content for insensitivity, and how it might impact family and friends. Mr. Chuck Fleming was a good man. He was more than what was portrayed in Missing Black SUV. Continue
Editor:janet/david cain As a runner for over 30 yrs , I applaud the Vintage Run for being a charming throwback to the early days of organized running The event is a small town charmer that harkens back to runnings early, noncommercial days. The course and... Continue
Editor:I am voting for John Sawyer in this election because, as shown in his recent campaign mailer, he has strong ties to Sonoma County’s past and understands the need to work hard for each person living in the First District. As a fourth-generation Sonoma County... Continue
Editor: We have many loving memories of Joan Huguenard’s always active, questioning, engaging, and progressive spirit. Here is one we would like to share. During the summer of 2005, Joan accompanied our son, Seth Donnelly, to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Seth was leading a small human rights... Continue
Editor: This last Sunday I attended a community event at the Sonoma Charter School sponsored by La Luz, which featured the first debate for 1st District Supervisor. The audience was mostly Latino parents and their children from the Springs. The debate was preceded by a... Continue
Editor: For the first time, we will be electing a supervisor who is not from Sonoma Valley. We need to carefully consider the person we choose to represent us. We need a supervisor who will be responsive to the Sonoma Valley constituents, who will make... Continue
Editor: Save Our Sonoma Roads (SOSroads) endorses John Sawyer for First District County Supervisor. John is a successful business person, an experienced civic leader and a fifth-generation Sonoma County native. His knowledge about the county’s crumbling road system is significant and has grown since we... Continue
Editor:Like many people here in Sonoma, I feel that the valley would be better represented on the Board of Supervisors by a valley resident. Unlike many however, I don’t believe that the valley has been particularly well represented by local resident Valerie Brown. In my... Continue
Editor: The newly formed relationship between Sonoma and Takaj, Hungary seems to have inspired a renewed interest in Agoston Haraszthy and the Buena Vista Winery. Harazthy established the Buena Vista Winery 1859 with the intention of producing more and better wines from European plantings, and... Continue