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Letters To The Editor

Help the Post Office

Editor: This is a plea for help for our Post Office on Broadway. For almost a month there has been a sign on the door informing us that the door is broken and will be repaired "ASAP". Will someone who has a screwdriver and a... Continue

The Candid Camera Candidates

Editor: So far there have been two "Meet the Candidates" Forums, the first being several Thursdays ago at the Alta Mura p.s., the second, last night at the Community Center. True to form, the first such was billed in the Sonoma Spindex Fibune as a... Continue

Time for Campaign Truth

Editor: As a candidate for 1st District Supervisor, I attended and spoke at the candidates’ forum on April 5th. The author of a Letter to the Editor printed in the Sonoma Valley Sun didn’t just misstate my position on climate change, she fabricated words I... Continue

Valeri Brown should resign.

Editor:What a surprise...Gray Davis appointee Supervisor Valerie Brown gave away $750mm in a now well known ponzi scheme as a union payback for support of Gray Davis in 2002. She should resign...immediately. Continue

concerned neighbor

It has been observed (by a neighbor) that Gina Cuclis signs have been collected by the campaign manager of Joann Sanders. The police were called and the report is buried as a "suspicious vehicle on Mariano Drive Wednesday the 13th. A personal account can be... Continue

Mandatory health insurance

Editor: I wonder why in all the analysis of the constitutionality of mandatory health insurance, why no one mentions mandatory automobile insurance? Why is there no repeal effort for that if mandatory insurance is such an onerous governmental burden? The arguments for both are exactly... Continue

Commuter Alert! (edited version)

Editor: We have been informed that an eight-dog doggie day-care owner is requesting a Use Permit and Design Review for a full service dog kennel for up to 50 dogs for boarding, doggie day-care, grooming, and training. The hours of the facility would be 7... Continue

Pastor vs marriage equality

Editor: Sonoma Valley Sun, I'm responding to comments made by Tim Arensmeier, pastor of the Sonoma Valley Community Church as he reacted to the news that the ninth circuit ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional in the Wednesday, February 8 edition of The Press Democrat. First he... Continue